Any thoughts on the vertical sleeve surgery vs. gastric bypass?

I'm scheduled for a bypass on 7/18/07 but my doctor just offered a vertical sleeve gastrectomy as an alternative. It sounds to good to be true any negative experiences?    — Jessie-F (posted on April 18, 2007)

April 18, 2007
I don't know anything about this sleeve gastrectomy--but I would stick to the regualar RNY. That is the only surgery my surgeon will do, and he has been awarded with "Center of Excellence". I would do some serious research before I chose it, and make sure you aren't one of the firsts that your surgeon is doing!!

April 18, 2007
We have a few people that attend the support group I go to that have the sleeve and are successful. There are pros and cons to everything. There is a ton of info on the surgeries here on OH. I think the big difference is no bypassing, which means no malabsorbtion. The part about bypass that I was attracted to was knowing that if I made a bad choice, I would get feedback from by body (dumping). I feel this fear keeps me in line. Good luck weighing the options. Whatever you decide will be the right choice.
   — robinmarra

April 19, 2007
I've never heard of the procedure you mention. Do some SERIOUS research, get second/third/... opinions before going with this. **** So here now is a contribution to that research. I agree with a previous response to your question. It is the DUMPING SYNDROME associated with Roux-En-Y surgery that has contributed a quite large fraction of my success with weight loss since my RNY surgery. The avoidance of "dumping" has kept me on-track. Do not consider DUMPING to be a drawback of going the RNY route; rather, it should be thought of as a negative side effect that works to your advantage because it generally doesn't happen unless your post-surgery eating goes beyond the limit. If you violate the rules, you get punished. If you avoid getting punished, you lose weight. Simple!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 20, 2007
I don't know much about this procedure, but if your surgeon just started offering it, it may be too new for your insurance to approve. Look at your insurance policy or call them to find out. If they've already approved you for the RNY, I don't know if you can change. Good Luck....Pam
   — PamelaK

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