Has enyone smoked or dranked yet?Help

   — monica44 (posted on December 21, 2006)

December 21, 2006
girl i smoked what i thought was my last cig the nite before lap-rnyhere it is over 6 mo's out and at 5 mo's i started back like a nut.good luck i have had a sip r 2 of a beer .didnt hurt me but ck with ur dr .please leave them cigs alone girl i didnt
   — brenda F.

December 21, 2006
According to your profile, you are 15 days out of surgery. Think of your pouch like it belongs to a new baby. We start out on liquids, graduate to pureed food, then finally regular food. There are many reasons not to drink alcohol right now. Your pouch is still healing. Your liver is already working overtime in these early months to filter out the waste from the rapid weight loss, you don't want to overload it and cause permanent damage. Alcohol is full of calories and has no nutritional value. I'm not going to get into the "why are you thinking about drinking this soon?" issues. It's just as fun to go to a party and be the designated driver. Have you ever been the sober one around a bunch of drunks? It can be hilarious. When you are further out and decide to drink, try it at home the first time. The alcohol goes straight into your intestines and your bloodstream and you will get hammered quick. You don't want to be finding this out at a bar. As for smoking, just don't. You know it's bad for your health. Smoking took both my father and father-in-law too soon and my kids never will know what it's like to have a grandfather. A real loss.
   — LisaHillsinger

December 21, 2006
smoking espically so new as a post op is a bad idea, it slows healing restricts blood flow, amnd can cause hard to treat pouch ulcers. Drinking too can interfere with healing. Ideally you never do these again, drinking causes poor losing and ultimately weight gain. But please at minimum wait a few months till you are healed, and call your surgeon for adviice
   — bob-haller

December 21, 2006
I don't smoke so I can't answer about that one but, one evening out I had a drink. I was instantly sick! I dumped for hours. My heart raced so fast, I threw up, sweatfest follwed. It was terrible. I would not reccomened it.
   — Tiblackman816

December 22, 2006
Hi Monica, I wouldnt drink or smoke at this point. Well, I am not a smoker so thats not hard but I drink occasionally. I am not planning to drink anything for New Years or Christmas. I just dont want to put that in my body at this point. Maybe later, I will take a drink but its more important that I heal properly and that I am bak to 100% health. THere will be other holidays that you will be able to participate in but think of how your pouch is brand new and is just barely adjusting to food and liquids, you don't want to mess that up by adding alcohol. Good luck to you. Angela
   — A Q.

December 22, 2006
Why take back up expensive habits? They don't add anything to your life but take away. Your've done the hard part by quitting. My grandaughter got bad ashma from her parents smoking in the house and car. Now she has to suffer the rest of her life. Save that money and take a nice vacation. You will never be sorry.
   — geneswife

December 22, 2006
I do not smoke, but I have been partaking in alcohol, wine mostly since about 12 months out. I am now at 3+ years. Chris
   — ChristineB

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