Anyone else use O2 at night?

I found out I have mild sleep apnea and I also have low oxygen levels even when I am breathing ... My doc wanted me to be on CPAP but the insurance won't pay for the machine so I am on oxygen at night (on the #2 setting). I must say that I feel much, much better ... I used to yawn literally non-stop and I barely yawn at all anymore. Also, I have more energy and feel more energetic! Perhaps a CPAP would be even better???    — peacefuldaizy (posted on March 7, 2006)

March 7, 2006
I also had sleep apnea and I don't anymore since I have lost weight. I still use my o2 because my sats go down in the low 50's. I have used it for 2 yrs.
   — cindyb

March 7, 2006
Wow!!! Low 50's, huh? I felt like crap and mine is in the 80's so I cannot imagine how you even functioned at all. I have been chronically exhausted for years!
   — peacefuldaizy

March 7, 2006
I was put on oxygen before I had my sleep test. It did make me feel better, but when I got put on the cpap, I began to get my energy back and did't feel the need to sleep all the time. When you get the cpap, you only pay around $40 a month for a few months, then its yours, or you might advertise for one that no one uses any more. I saw on the site that a lady asked for one and someone gave her one.
   — geneswife

March 7, 2006
You might also post a message on the board as there are alot of people who had sleep apnea before surgery, and may not need their machine anymore, it's easy enough for it to be reset to your level, and you can buy the mask and hose for not alot of money. Just and idea, you really want to treat your sleep apena before surgery, as untreated it can cause sever complications and alot of surgeons won't do you surgery. My surgeon requires 6-8 weeks of CPAP treatment if you have apnea before he'll do your surgery. Best of luck, Jen
   — jlflbf

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