Anyone diagnosed with Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome?

Just came back from the sleep disorder doctor, and I found out I have mild sleep apnea and Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS). She is recommending WLS and I have to do a second sleep study to get the CPAP machine. I am hoping this will increase my chances of being approved for surgery. What do you think???    — peacefuldaizy (posted on February 28, 2006)

February 28, 2006
yes I am sure it will. OHS can kill.
   — star .

February 28, 2006
Hi I too have OHS. I got a CPAP machine and it drastically changed my sleeping for the good. I did have my WLS also and was told that it would help alot with this. It can kill you if it is left undiagnosed, I believe it is waht killed Reggie White the football player, not positive though. Good luck! SassyLu
   — SassyLu

March 1, 2006
I'm confused as to why they have to do a second study. When I had my Sleep Study done they confirmed the sleep apnea and then immediately did whatever they do to figure out an appropriate CPAP and setting. I would ask... do you have to pay for the second study? Is this the industry standard or are they just trying to make more $$$? I think it definately improves your chance of being approved for surgery! It's a serious condition and even after surgery don't stop using your CPAP until you are cleared by your doctor. You don't have to be overweight to have Sleep Apnea.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 1, 2006
The reason I was supposed to get a CPAP is b/c I have mild sleep apnea, and I also have OHS. My insurance won't pay for a CPAP for me after all b/c it is a mild case, but my oxygen levels plummet at night. My doctor put my on oxygen at night, and it really did help! I usually yawn non-stop, and I have only yawned twice today! I am also much more alert.
   — peacefuldaizy

March 3, 2006
Yes, it is a comorbidity. I just stopped my CPAP machine after losing 170 pounds!!!
   — Novashannon

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