i know this sounds crazy but for thew people who had surgery

the extra fat under your arms after loosing weight did it go back to normal or is it still there because im hoping mines go back to like it was before    — alexzaydria (posted on January 29, 2006)

January 29, 2006
I've lost 113lbs an my arms didn't go back its what they call bat wings . there is some tightening up you can do but not all it will go back I figure its worth it to be in a size 16 from 32 you just learn whats really important
   — amygirl

January 29, 2006
Greetings, You have to remember that everyone is different. It depends a lot on the amount you have to lose. If you have to lose 100 lbs or 300 lns there is going to be aq big difference. Some same it depends on age and how long you have been overweight. I can not tell you the answer personally as I just started my journey, but I can tell you I have read a ton of mixed reviews on this subject. Good Luck Kristie
   — continuedmoon

January 29, 2006
"How long is a piece of string" could be the answer to your question. It all depends on how much weight you have to loose and the degree to which your fat deposits have accumulated under your arms. There is a limit to the ammount your skin will return to it's former self. But there are things that you can do to help, and it will make a lot of difference. Talk to your trainer at your local gym and see what exercises and weights (resistance training) will asist. I did this, and as well took up dancing, Rock and Roll and my arms despite over 100 pounds loss have remained good, but I got extra muscle in the place that most people get "flaps" and they look pretty good. At least that is what most people say. Try some muscle toning exercise, you'll be glad you did.
   — Lise K.

January 29, 2006
I look like a flying squirel about to take flight.
   — Danmark

January 29, 2006
I disagree with one of the previous posters. All the exercise in the world is not going to "tone up" stretched out skin. Skin is not a muscle and building muscle underneath the skin will not create elasticity in the skin. THe skin is like a balloon - once its been stretched - it just looks deflated. That being said, some people, even if they weigh 400 pounds never really carried a lot of fat in thier arms. If your arms are some what normal looking when you are over weight, then I think there is a good chance that they will return to normal. If they are huge and you have stretch marks on your arms (like I did and do), then there is no hope. But, who the hell cares when you are wearing a size 12/14? Not me!!! lol
   — MissKimberly

January 30, 2006
I still have the extra skin - if it is stretched too much, it generally does not go back. You can firm up the underlying muscle, but that will not tighten the skin. I am hoping to have plastic surgery.
   — Novashannon

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