Help hair is falling out really bad.

I had RNY in Dec. 2009 and I consume 70 to 80 grams daily of protein as told to do so by my doctor and my hair is falling out really bad and I also have started taking Biotin and it has not made much of a change to how much I am losing.I need some help please soon I do not want to be bald.    — lscheller (posted on May 20, 2010)

May 20, 2010
how much biotin are u taking? i was advised to take minimum 5 gms ...i also take zinc sulphate 220 mgs as well as silica tablets from the health shop.... please persevere with these, the protein and the multivitamins....the hair loss will settle in a few months
   — anoushka

May 20, 2010
I can REALLY sympathize. I'm in the same boat. The bariatric nurse that runs our support group told me that I'm not really "going bald" in the same way that radiation and/or chemo makes you lose hair. The root is not dead and the hair WILL grow back. The basic issue is that the surgery caused us not to be able to metabolize protein (or much else) for a while after the op. The hair loss we are seeing now is because our hair was weakened by this protein deficiency. It is breaking off near the root and giving the impression of falling out. I know this answer doesn't really help with your current problem. On the plus side though, as you notice results in hair a couple of months after whatever you go throug, all of the protein you are now eating will show-up hair growth in time. You just have to be patient (and maybe get a hat).
   — Larkin O'Donoghue

May 20, 2010
My hair also shed like crazy. While washing my hair in the shower I would have to stop midway and take the hair out of the drain because I would be standing in several inches of water. Except in the rarest of circumstances your hair will grow back. Please keep these three things in mind. 1) Biotin does not grow hair nor does it stop hair from thinning. However it does help the health of your hair, skin, and nails. I take 5,000 per day (2,000 in the morn, 1,000 at noon, and 2,000 in the evening). Biotin is not did take about a month before I noticed a difference. 2) The changes you see in your hair now are a reaction to what has happened to you previously. Just like increasing your protein or taking Biotin and other suppliments does not cause instant changes the thinning of your hair now is a reaction to what your body has gone through with surgery and the rapid weight loss previously. 3) The hair loss is temporary. Mine actually came back with more body and better texture than before (possibly due to the Biotin and Nioxin). Concentrate on taking your suppliments and enjoy being more mobile than before surgery. Embrace everything you have now!
   — Caribou ME

May 20, 2010
Hi...DON"T PANIC>>>>lol I had surgery Oct 09 and I too lost alot of hair but it is growing back and I have virtually stopped losing it.Just abit more time and you will be fine , your body needs time to adjust to the rapid weightloss. Stay you will be fine and not bald. Good luck
   — dragonfly814

May 20, 2010
All of the answers above are good ones. I just wanted to add that in the spring (for some crazy reason), our hair "sheds" just like a dog or cat. I have gone through this every spring since my surgery in 2004. I know it is unnerving, but it will stop. Keep up the Protein and Biotin!
   — Bonnie H.

May 20, 2010
RNY- ers need more protein that 70 - 80 grams per day with are low absorbtion we require much more than that, (80g is the top for a normal tummy) we need between 80 .and 120gs perday Please read the following article or
   — marymazilla

May 20, 2010
My hair fell out from 3 months post-op to 9 months. At 8 months it slowed significantly, but by 9 it had stopped - it's part of your rapid weight loss phase and it happens to most RNY-ers. A few lucky ones don't get it. My hair tecture changed as well - I've always had a full, healthy head of hair, and this was a tough one for me, but my solution was to get a new haircut - I went for a pixie, which ended up being REALLY cute and I got a ton of compliments so it served as a major motivator because it was also part of my transformation. My hair is now fuller but pretty much the same as it was, but I am planning on keeping it short for a while because it looks good with my new me. My suggestion is to experiment and have fun with it - you are going through all kinds of changes, why not try a new layered style or something to give it a fuller apppearance? Your stylist should be able to offer a few pointers. In the long run, don't stress about your hair - most of us notice it WAY more than others because we see the hair on the bathroom floor, in the shower, and on our pillows. Most of us have a lot of hair and it regenerates every 6 weeks. Take it in stride and consider it a minor and temporary issue. It will come back. Good luck to you!
   — stellarsan

May 20, 2010
HI! This is a concern for many. I too would gather the hair from the shower and brush and look at how much i had lost just that morning. But rest assured it is already growing back in. And in a few months you will have growing out and not look bald. it may not come back as thick and nice, but it is coming back! You can try that nioxin shampoo. i hear it helps it at salons. I ttok the biotin..5000 every other day. I don't know if it helps or not. i lost hair for several motnhs before i noticed the new lil hairs standing straight up. I am now i month from my 2 yr post op and tho my hair is thinner, its back. good luck to you and congrats on the surgery! hugs n God Bless, Kim
   — gpcmist

May 20, 2010
My surgery was in Nov. 2009 and I started losing my hair about a mth ago. Yes, Im on the biotin but I think like the others here that it is the trauma of the surgery and the rapid wht. loss. Ive lost about 110lbs in less than 6mths. I have been keeping the hair from my hair brush and you would not believe the wad I have so far. I have always gotten in from 80 to 95grms of protein from surgery on. I have very long hair and my braid is very skinny now but maybe it will stop coming out soon,(I HOPE) Suzette
   — suzette N.

May 21, 2010

   — Mike A.

May 21, 2010
Thanks everyone for all of the great input on this matter. I needed to know that this happens and it will stop at soem point and start to regrow.
   — lscheller

May 27, 2010
In addition to what others hv said,my doctor suggested to take capsule OCEANIC SILICA which is giving good results for hair loss.
   — Leena Shah

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