Has anybody developed diabetes AFTER surgery that didn't have it before surgery?

   — cookieandlucky (posted on February 21, 2010)

February 22, 2010
There are two types of diabetes, type I and type II. Type one ususally occurs in childhood or teen years and requires a lifetime of insulin. Type II, regrettably is usually brought on by being over weight and eating too many of the wrong things. I worked for several years for two different surgery centers specializing in WLS and never saw a patient who developed type II diabetes after loosing weight and eating better. I was what they called "pre-daibetic prior to my WLS, today all of my blood work is normal. I hope this information helps!
   — Bonnie H.

February 22, 2010
I had Type II diabetes which was controlled with oral medication. After I had the surgery & was still in the hospital, my blood sugar went so high that they gave me shots of insulin. However, that was temporary, from the stress of the surgery and some of the IV meds.
   — shorter

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