Pain in my left side 17 months post op
I have pain in my left side 17 months after surgery. It comes and goes and is not severe. I hate to go in to have it checked if it is nothing. It is a two hour ride to the surgeons office. It has been going on for a couple months now. Is this common or should I be concerned? — trible (posted on January 8, 2010)
January 8, 2010
Could be adhesions at one of the port sites. Why not just call the office?
They can tell you if a trip in is warranted. Where did you have your
— Rebecca T.
January 8, 2010
If it is toward the left back up under the rib cage it could be
diverticulos which comes from lack of fiber in the diet I had this pain
also and I was told to take a fiber powder like metamucial. You doctor
will probably refer you to a gastro doctor.
— Redhead7977
January 8, 2010
Have you've gone to your Primary Doctor? It could be something not even
related to your WLS since you've been losing weight. The reduction of comfy
fat around your organs can reveal other unknown problems.
— Michael Eak
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