7wks out

I am 7 wks out and I drink a lot of water but I can't seem to go to bathroom enough.I don't know what is going on with my kidneys.I may go to the bathroom at least 3 to 4 times a day.Do I need to take water pills.The weight is not coming off fast enough.I have lost 44lbs since my surgery is that enough wweight.Can anyone give me a list of foods that I can eat at this stage.I need different foods to choose from.    — felicia45Cook (posted on November 1, 2009)

November 1, 2009
You should really speak with your surgeon about urination and your weight loss. Its not so much on how many lbs you've lost but more so how much of an excess body weight percentage. About the foods, I have a list of foods and sample menus I got from my nutritionist. I'll see if I can get them on here and I'll send you an e-mail on here with them.
   — Nina15137

November 1, 2009
44lbs in 7 weeks is fantastic dont know why you are worring and going 3 to 4 times a day is not that adnornmal thats all i go and i i drink alot too.
   — pinkster 1.

November 1, 2009
drinking lots of water isn't really a help..Do you get the 64 required amount of fluids? If not you could be dehydrated. And you don't want that. You will stop losing if that happens. But 44 lbs in 7 weeks sounds great to me! Keep up the good work. As far as foods go, nothing fried, protein, protein, eggs, soy products, dairy, peanut butter in small quantities, meat,..there is much to choose from. I used to buy fresh mozzerella cheese and measure out 1 ounce of it, microwave it to melt it and put bruschetta on it. Tasted great. Also, walmart sells oscar myer turkey..NOT BOLOGNA, and I used to take cheese and one slice and roll them up together. The skinny cow wedges works well too. How about tuna salad on a lettuce leaf? Lots to eat. Just read the labels, avoid sugars and fats and enjoy the new you! best of luck to you and hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

November 2, 2009
Felicia, Why do you think the weight isn't coming off fast enough???? It wasn't put on over night, so it won't come off over night, but losing 44 lbs in 7 weeks post op sure is a lot more than you would be able to do before you had surgery. So I don't really know what your expectations are, or rather why your expectations are so high. You have be realistic here. You probably aren't using the bathroom a lot because the water that you are drinking probably isn't extra, per se. It is being absorbed into your tissues, organs, skin etc, because it is needed. YOu will urinate when your organs have received the proper water intake. So you might not need to release extra urine right now. IT doesn't mean your kidneys aren't working. But still ask your doctor, if you are concerned. I was the one that mentioned to you the different phases, so you should still be on pureed/soft. I know this response sounds a little harsh, but I am sure more will feel the same as I do. Shocked to think you haven't lost enough weight in 7 weeks. Honestly, my mouth fell to the floor when I read that. Felicia, you are doing a great job on the w/l so don't focus so much on if you aren't losing "enough" because you are. You might need to lower your expectations though, that means, don't be so hard on yourself. Take it easy and enjoy this time.
   — Kristy

November 2, 2009
Felicia, I just checked my profile; and for me at 4 weeks, I lost 25 lbs, at 11 weeks, I lost 54 lbs and 17 inches. And this was almost 5 yrs ago. You are doing fine. If the scale isn't moving the inches are. So don't only go by what the scale reads in pounds, but also pay attention to your tape measure. You can email me again for some foods to eat. I need to know what phase you are in.
   — Kristy

November 2, 2009
44 lbs in 7 weeks!..omg!..that is great.when is the last time you lost 44 lbs in 7 weeks..huh? you are doing better than me with going to the bathroom because i am 13 weeks out and i ahve just got to where i can go 3 - 4 times a day.i was only going twice.once in morning and once at 7 weeks i was eating just about anything as long as i chewed chewed chewd.i wish you all the luck.are you walking and excercising regularly? i was about 44 lbs at 7 weeks and i thought i was losing slow but i am now 13 weeks out and down 62 lbs.i think that is kind of slow but like i said when is the last time i lost 62 lbs in 13 weeks.give it is working okay? best of luck to you.BTW i said i could eat anything at 7 weeks..i lied..i can't eats sweet by them selves.i will get very nauseated.(dumping)
   — carolyn1970

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