Is there any medication out there to reduce inflammation that RNY'ers can take?

I know we can't have nsaids...but there has to be something else available to combat inflammation. (I have I have lots of inflammation when I flare.) I know that, ultimately, this is something that my rheumy will have to address. But I was just wondering and thought someone out there might know. It's hard to get in to see my rheumy and I might be able to get my pcp to write something for me. Thanks!    — PaulaJ (posted on June 16, 2009)

June 16, 2009
hi i have really bad menstrual cramps and was going through the same problem. i was getting tired of taking vicodin every month. my doctor gave me tramidol. it was ok. better than nothing but not as good as ibuprofen. hope this helps. good luck.
   — alojah82

June 16, 2009
i also have tramadol. it helps some. i also have an auto-immune disease/disorder (whichever!) and it's about the only thing i can take right now. my rheumatologist is booked up for'd think they could get me in, but of course i'm just trying to use that to deal with it. i have neurontin, too, which isn't for the inflammation but for nerve pain, and while others say it works great doesn't seem like it's doing much for me. the tramadol basically takes the edge off, for me.
   — rachieo

June 16, 2009
I have arthritis and started getting bad pain in my joints again, the month after my RNY surgery. I now take celebrex but have to take a buffer with it. I take prilosec and the pain is relieved again. Hope this helps. Nanc Wallace
   — Nancy W.

June 17, 2009
I read somewhere that there is a rub-on Voltaren gel. But still can give GI issues-- anyone heard of it? TY
   — eem211

June 17, 2009
My docotr place me on Celebrex 200mg twice day and I did not have any problems. I am now 2 weeks out RNY and he started it 3 day post op. Hope this helps
   — karensaporito

June 20, 2009
I take weekly injections of Enbrel and also a daily dose of Sulfasalazine(Generic version). I also take muscle relaxers. Tramadol stopped working for me years ago. I had to stop taking Sulfasalazine last year becasue of a fatty liver(due to obesity) but almost 1 year later I am taking it again because the surgery has helped the fatty liver. I really thought I would be miserable without Celebrex which I had taken for years but am fine with the above stuff I take. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, by the way. I can get an appointment with my Rheumatologist faster than my PCM, go figure! Good Luck!!!
   — im3d2

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