How to Deal with Gas One Year Out

I am one year out from RNY. I have real issues with smelly gas. Any suggestions on what I can take to help with this? I can't pinpoint it to any certain food.    — ShirleyF (posted on May 7, 2009)

May 7, 2009
omg when you find out let me know. Always happens to me late afternoon and evening
   — bikermama

May 7, 2009
Someone asked a similar question recently, and several of the answers posted mentioned that you might be eating too many simple carbs and sugars. Check what you're eating and see if you are keeping a good protein/carb mix (about 75% protein and 25% carbs), and that all or most of your carbs are complex (whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables).
   — Erica Alikchihoo

May 8, 2009
Probiotics helped me. I rarely have smelly gas (anymore)...The first year was just horrendous! I don't eat a lot of simple carbs and sugars and that helps...Those produce the worst gas for me and many others as well...Although other foods can also do it too...Dairy, beef, mushrooms and any cabbage type foods like broccoli and brussel sprouts, saurekraut, etc will also produce the smelly gas for me as well...When I eat those things I will either pop a probiotic or use Beeno before my meal! That works well! I am lactose intolerant so if I eat a lot of cheeses or anything with dairy...I HAVE to take a probiotic or my family won't stay in the same room with me! LOL
   — .Anita R.

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