I am hungry 3 weeks post op-should I be?

I am only 3 weeks opst op lapband and I am feeling very hungry for real food. I am starting to eat again and I hate that I want to eat. Is this normal at this time or is it just me.    — janeen4947 (posted on March 1, 2009)

March 1, 2009
yes it is normal and you should eat again. Don't hate it... look at it as an opportunity to make a fresh start eating. Drink lots of water and follow whatever guidelines your doctor gave you for eating post op.
   — slimcolagirl

March 1, 2009
I am coming up on my 3 weeks post op...I feel the same way. I am still measuring out my 1/2 cup of food to eat at meals. If I am still hungry I eat green beans or a piece of fruit. I only NEED to drink 1 protein shake a day (because I am able to get in my recommended protein per day) but I have been drinking two because they make me feel satisfied. I did loose 10lbs the first two weeks, and have not lost anything since. Are you moving yet? I just got the ok to start, no crunches, but certainly aerobics and walking. I am hoping that helps. Good luck and remember we haven't had a fill yet...I am sure that will make a change. Kimberly
   — kfgates

March 1, 2009
Wtih labband this is normal. Be sure to eat healthy. You will eat less than before but you wil still get hungry.
   — trible

March 2, 2009
Im almost 2 months post op and I feel hungry all the time. I think that its all in my head. My stomach actually growls when its been about 8 hours since my last meal, and that is when I am actually hungry. I continue to measure out my 1/2 cu portions 3 tims a day and i eat one sugar free yogert as a snack and THATS ALL. I mostly eat a 3-4oz piece of fish or chicken. Its VERY BOARING TO EAT. My 2 yr old eats more then I do, but this is my only chance to relearn how to eat and to listen to my body and not my head. I have lost 40 lbs in 8 weeks and I just started exercizing today. You can tell that "hunger" to take a hike.
   — E N.

March 2, 2009
Hi.. congrats on your surgery. I had the RNY, but from listening to people who have chosen the lap band at my support group, this sounds normal. Like the others have said use this time wisely. Don't return to the old eating habits. Measure the food vs eating until you are full. Get your exercise in to increase your base metabolic rate. So that way, when you get your fill in the band, you will be ready and can hit the ground running... good luck.
   — Kari_K

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