a recently posted question reminded me of 1 ive been meaning to ask

a question posted on jan 19th about halitosis reminded me that ive been meaning to ask something similar. i have halitosis, bad. nobody has ever said anything to me about it, and maybe its in my head, but i doubt it. i have great oral hygiene, flossing, brushing, and chewing SF gum are daily things, (or more) but i still suffer from bad breath. sometimes, when i exhale a certain way i can actually taste my bad breath. any toothpaste/mouthwash recommendations? i use crest toothpaste (most fond of anything crest, dont like many other brands) this just started within the last six months, and i cant figure it out. when i brush more than 2x a day i also seem to get blister-like sores in my mouth. i dont have dental insurance, and cant afford to go to one, so that is not an option either. i had lap rny 4/26/6 and have lost 133# and still losing (just more slowly now :P ) memeber since 2004 check out my profile for any other info! please send advice! im getting desperate!    — squeekypete (posted on January 23, 2009)

January 23, 2009
You might try a tongue scraper. That is what a dentist told my husband. Good luck!
   — joycedev

January 23, 2009
Agreed, try a tongue scraper but be gentle. As for the blisters in your mouth; I would consult my doctor. Find out what is going on first before you do anything. If your body is experiencing ketosis which is normal with a major weight loss; this will pass. If it doesn't pass; like I said consult with the doctor as it might be something else. Good luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 23, 2009
ok i googled ketosis, but it didnt help any. can you explain what exactly that is?
   — squeekypete

January 23, 2009
The workup of bad breath involves a careful examination of the mouth and nasal passages. If this is negative, chest and sinus x-rays and upper GI series with barium swallow should be done. If the studies are still unrewarding, then endoscopy of the respiratory and upper GI tract would be indicated. Appropriate liver and renal function tests will be ordered when uremia or hepatic coma is suspected. If pyorrhea is suspected, refer the patient to a dentist. Copyright
   — trible

January 23, 2009
Ketosis (pronounced /kiːˈtoʊsɪs/) is a state characterised by elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood, occurring when the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies (which can be used by all of the body for energy as an alternative to glucose). These ketone bodies are a by-product of the lipid metabolic pathway after the fat is converted to energy.[1][2][3][4][5] Ketoacidosis, by contrast, is the accumulation of excessive keto acids in the blood stream (specifically acetoacetate and beta-hydroxy butyrate). Whereas ketoacidosis is universally considered to be a medical condition, there is a minority of specialists who believe that that is not the case with ketosis. ( I got this off of Wikipedia) I hope it helps
   — trinity P.

January 23, 2009
Who said anything about ketosis. She said "halitosis."
   — Erin T.

January 23, 2009
Trinity is probably correct about what she posted. You may be suffering from ketosis. I was just diagnosed with ketosis, and one of the side effects is the very bad breath. Basically what you need to do is get more protein in you, but somehow you have to balance it out with carbs. I am still trying to figure it out, although my doc told me to up my protein, but did not tell me anything about the carb side of it. Ketosis can be very common in people with the types of diets we are not becoming accustomed to. Many body builders suffer from it too from what I have read about it. I have noticed that my breath has gotten better in the last week from my docs recommendations, so that may be something you want to call and discuss with your nurse or doc, Im sure you can over the phone, and they can give you some recommendations on how to work more protein, etc. into your diet. I did all mine over the phone, so I am sure your nurse would be happy to discuss it with you with some ideas or suggestions for you. Hope this helps some. :)
   — bicngillette

January 23, 2009
Here is a site that will help you fully understand what ketosis is. I got the most information out of this site when I looked it up after talking to my nurse. Just copy and paste this link: Hope that helps out some too. :)
   — bicngillette

January 23, 2009
Some people on this site have recommended Dr. Katz Thera Breath - I believe you can get it online - I haven't tried it yet, but they say it really helps.
   — Wendy M.

January 24, 2009
Here's an awesome site and can explain the many reasons for bad breath along with both medical and folk remedies...
   — .Anita R.

January 24, 2009
Oh and...I forgot to say...You are so adorable! You did really well! And your baby is such a cute patootie! Love the nickname Buckshot! Too cute!
   — .Anita R.

January 24, 2009
Have you tried rinsing with peridex? I know it kills germs and it is powerful stuff. If that fixes the breath problem, you probably have oral infection issues.
   — Bill_Nagle52

January 24, 2009
I have always had problems with canker sores and painful bumps on my tongue. It seems, like in your case, the more I brush the worse it gets. My dental hygienist told me to continue to brush more, but avoid using a tartar control formula paste. It has really helped me. You may want to try that, Crest has one. Good luck, dear. Deb
   — Debbi S.

January 24, 2009
i agree. i think it could be ketosis, too. i deal with mine with tic tacs. but, if this was something u had prior to WLS, i suggest u go see a dentist. if u have no insurance and can't afford it, i suggest contacting your local dental school. they usually have free or low cost clinics for their dental students to get actual real life experience working on real patients. good luck!
   — andrea E.

January 26, 2009
I've heard that ketosis can cause halitosis also. One natural remedy is to eat a little parsley after a meal or take parsley supplements. Many times halitosis is from stomach acid causing the problem and since most of us WLS patients have smaller stomach pouches it could be a common issue. Good luck!
   — Bigwyfan1964

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