How do you know...

if its a stall or if your done losing weight?? I've had stalls before and every time I had one, I knew that it was just a stall and didn't stress over it. This time though, I feel different. I feel like this could be it so how do I know if I will start losing again or if my body is where "it" wants to be? I am 6 1/2 months out and I have lost 85 lbs. I am doing great and I feel good but would like to lose another 20 to 30 lbs to be at my goal. Any suggestions?? Thank you in advance for your responses.    — Mary G. (posted on October 7, 2008)

October 6, 2008
The first 6 months the surgery is doing most of the work for you, after that, you have to do more work to get it off. I doubt you're done at only 6 and 1/2 months out, but you might have to change something up to get it moving again. You might want to look at your diet and make sure you're not adding in too many carbs, and you might need to up the exercise if you want to get to your goal. The weight loss slows way down at 6 months out, but this shouldn't be the end for you, but you might have to work it more than you have had to.
   — Teresa V.

October 7, 2008
You still have a good 6 months of honeymoon time...but you are near your goal and that is exactly when your body begins to adjust and slow way down and eventually stop losing. You say you have about 20-30 lbs to go...and that is the point that most feel the way you do...You might only lose 4-5 lbs a month for the next few months...but do the math....6 months @4-5 lbs each...and there's your 30 lbs! You seem to be right on schedule! Theresa gave you some great advice...Just step things up a little in the exercise dept and maybe cut back a few calories in carbs. This is a rough time of year for many of us with all the candies and baked pies tempting us...Stay out of the stores and send someone with a list of groceries rather than go yourself! LOL I'm kidding...kinda! So if you're nibbling on candy...STOP! (I think I am talking to myself now...cute little harmless "looking" Skittles) I usually buy Hallowwen candy that I personally do not like...It's the ONLY way! But someone brought home Skittles and oh no! They look so tiny and harmless one at a time! EEK!
   — .Anita R.

October 7, 2008
I am 8 months out myself, and my weight loss began to slow down about 1 month ago. I think this happens to a lot of people. I am still losing, but slower..... I think we have to increase exercise and watch our for sugars/starches/white flour/carbs, as well as maybe start writing-down everything you eat and drink in a day and see if you're on track, or perhaps consuming too much over the period of the day.... Best wishes!
   — Gina S.

October 7, 2008
It sounds like the honeymoon could be over and you are really gonna have to work now. They say the last 20# are the hardest. Once you reach goal, then becomes the life long habits to keep you there... this is the true test for all of us. Protein, veggies, low carb, exercise, water and daily emotional work for life. Journal your intake and tweak as necessary. The closer you are to goal, the less you should be relying on your tool and the more you should be relying on your brain. The people in my support group that have reached goal have really had to amp up their exercise to stay there. They say they much preferred the weight loss phase over the maintenance phase and are surprised at just how difficult it is. Not impossible, just constant work. We have an addiction that isn't going to go away with WLS that we are going to have to deal with forever. Plateaus and/or stalls are important periods for your body to adjust to it's rapidly changing status and are very frustrating times. You're doing the work and the scales don't budge. Keep doing what you know is right and it will happen. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

October 8, 2008
Mary, you be patient and faithful to your diet and exercise and water. Be very faithful. I was losing small amounts of weight up to 2 years post surgery. Never give up hope and never give up making small changes in your eating to benefit your health and weight. Your body will come alongside when it is ready. Also, give yourself a "skin" allowance. I weight 140 pounds, but I know if I were to remove all the excess skin on my body, I think I would weigh probably 120 or so, so I keep the 120 figure in my mind, and for me personally I stay off the scale unless my clothes are not fitting right. It is a mind game, so keep your mind fresh, your habits good and cut yourself a little slack, you will done very well! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

October 8, 2008
Thank you everyone so much for your encouraging words. I so appreciate it!! :)
   — Mary G.

October 13, 2008

   — Lisa C.

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