how far post opt must one be to continue with the protein shakes.
my nutrients says that I should not be doing pritein shakes any more but have real food. but why does it make a difference if i am getting my total grams of protein. Now I am really confused' — zydeko47 (posted on September 23, 2008)
September 23, 2008
Because liquid proteins "flow through the band quicker" than
solid proteins such as fish, meat, cheeses, eggs.
Marti in San Jose
— Marti P.
September 23, 2008
Once you are an appropriate length out of surgery, you should be eating
solid, chunky foods ie: lean proteins- 70% of your meal and vegetables- 30%
of your meal. These foods will keep you fuller, longer by keeping your
pouch full. Protein shakes will go right through your stoma and you'll be
hungrier, sooner. Even though you are getting protein, that's not what we
are supposed to be doing long term.... should only be supplements.
Good luck,
— DawnVic
September 23, 2008
I remember my Dr. talking about solids and there varying degrees. For
instance, if you have an egg easy over for breakfast, it will not stay in
your pouch as long as an egg hard over (or cooked till solid). He said
that if you put solid food (protein first) in the pouch and let it sit the
for at least 45 minutes, the brain gets the "I've been fed"
message over and over again. This is important. If you are having a shake
or something that is farther away from the solid end on the solid to
liquids comparison scale, the mushier it is the faster it will pass through
the pouch and the less reinforcement the brain gets that you have eaten.
Hence you want to eat again sooner. Eating sooner equals more calories,
equals less weight loss. Also, don't drink you fluids for 30 minutes
before, and for 1 hour after meals.
— waterlover
September 23, 2008
please go to your doctor about this as you seem to be very concerned
— cathacus
September 23, 2008
please go to your doctor about this as you seem to be very concerned i wish
you luck
— cathacus
September 23, 2008
I know my doctor recommends (after you are on solid foods) to have one
protein shake a day for life. But check with your doc or NUT.
— Wendy M.
September 24, 2008
My doctor doesn't allow shakes at all. If you depend on them too much, you
will eat just to eat and not for nutrition, thus getting in more calories,
etc than you need...Try eating for protein and drinking your water and that
should keep you full... Good Luck
— andrealej
September 24, 2008
I have one serving protein powder daily in my coffee..It is my breakfast
everyday. I only added it recently when I began to gain a little
weight...I used it in place of my typical carby breakfast cereals and fru-
fru coffees...I was able to stabilize my weight and lose a little! I just
never stopped the protein coffee drink. It ensures me at least 30 g of
protein...Keeps me from skipping a meal (I am most likely to skip breakfast
and gorge myself at lunch or dinner) I am also very active and do a lot of
heavy lifting so it's a great way to keep my muscles fed and toned. I will
drink a protein drink when I'm not eating right, otherwise, I live my life
post op as a regular small woman who eats regular balanced small meals and
takes vits for proper nutrition. And it works!
— .Anita R.
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