I have swelling in my ankles. If you had this, too, did it go away after surgery?

I had a really bad car accident back in 1994 and my foot was reattached. This has led to me having limited use of the ankle and it swells like crazy when I walk around on it after a while. I know that edema is common in overweight people and was wondering if it goes away after losing weight from RNY or another weight loss surgery. Thanks! Jat    — Jean Ann T. (posted on August 5, 2008)

August 5, 2008
Some of it will probably go away as the weight comes off. I was on a fluid pill twice a day because of my swelling. Now no more problems and no more medicines. Keep in mind the trauma to your foot from the wreck may continue to cause some swelling but I expect you will see a big difference! Deb
   — dvernon

August 5, 2008
I am a week and a half post op, and the same thing happen to me in 2004 i was in a head on car accident and my ankle had to be reattached. i have lost 22lbs and i am waiting to see whats going to happen with it. I had lost 80lbs before on a diet and i still had hurt alot. but i did gain it all back. so that is why i got the labband hope to lose 150 so i can see if it helps.

August 5, 2008
The swelling may actually increase immediately after surgery from all the fluids from the IV's during surgery and during your hospital stay. Because of your unique situation with the one foot being severed and reattached you may always have some swelling due to the injury to your vascular and lymphatics system in that area. But be of good cheer, with your WLS it is bound to be better with the weight loss!! good luck----sassypaige, RN :)
   — sassypaige614

August 5, 2008
it worked for me. my legs and ankles swelled and almost immediately i noticed a difference.
   — bikermama

August 5, 2008
A lot of obese people's edema is due to diabetes. Once THAT is under control, the swelling usually goes away as well. I know it did for me. My WIFE used to POKE me CONSTANTLY to CHECK me (she is a Nurse Practitioner). After my diabetes came under control, she found that I no longer was retaining water. My ANKLES would not remain "dented" for a long period of time after she poked me. I cannot say that this WILL happen to YOU TOO, but you MAY find that it will. Let's HOPE so. Hugh
   — hubarlow

August 6, 2008
If the swelling in your ankle is due to the trauma from the car accident, weight loss surgery is likely to take all of it away. If you have swelling in both ankles, you will likely see some or all of that go down, but WLS doesn't make the foot/ankle injury go away. You may have less because you are putting less weight on it, but post-injury swelling is different than obesity related swelling. Good luck!
   — mrsidknee

August 6, 2008
Jat: I was in a head on car wreck 12 yrs ago, in which I broke both legs and my right arm. I was super morbidly obese back then, (526 lbs). My legs were so swollen, the Dr's put me on lasix and also had me wear custom made support hose, which really really helped, every summer when it got hot out, my ankles would swell, I did not want to be wearing these things when it was hot out. Eventually after the surgery 2 yrs ago, I no longer have to wear them, ( they won't stay up). I am down to 229.3 lbs and feel marvelous. good luck, Peggy
   — DBlazer325

August 6, 2008
Before ankles were ALWAYS swollen. I don't remember how much weight I had lost before it went away, but it did! Now I am 165 lbs and will occassionally swell if I eat too much salt, or MSG (as in chinese food) Or if I am traveling int he car long distance...I drink 64-100 oz of water daily now and rarely have any trouble as my body has no need to retain water when I drink so much consistantly...Good luck...
   — .Anita R.

August 6, 2008
My feet and legs swelled before surgery, but after I had my surgery 16 mths. ago, they haven't swollen since. Good luck with your surgery.
   — GrammaAnn

August 6, 2008
My feet and legs swelled before surgery, but after I had my surgery 16 mths. ago, they haven't swollen since. Good luck with your surgery.
   — GrammaAnn

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