I was wondering if wls affect your menstrual cycle.

   — caramela718 (posted on April 23, 2008)

April 23, 2008
Most of the time it does. It can regulate your period and make your chances of conceiving higher.
   — trinity1803

April 23, 2008
Well since I had my surgery (6 months ago) my perios has been very irregular. I am assuming the rapid weight loss (80 lbs in 6 months) is the cause of it. I was regular until I got the surgery and now I never know when I am gonna come on my period. It is to the point where sometimes I get it twice a month and it never comes at the same time each month anymore.
   — cau_lady

April 23, 2008
Hi, I had my surgery two months ago and it hasn't affected it so far. I did start my period very early(right after comming home from the hospital) after the surgery but my NP said that that happens with most women no matter what kind of surgery they have. I was complaining that when the Dr. was rummaging around in there he did something to my menstrual cycle. LOL! But really, other than that everything has been normal. I'm told that there is a higher instance of fertility though, depending on your circumstances, this may be a concern.
   — deebunny38

April 23, 2008
Mine's been normal for 4 years post op...Used to very irregular in my 20's and 30's...(I think it was the weight) Since I lost weight it's right on time...I can almost count it down to the exact time of day I will get it too.
   — .Anita R.

April 23, 2008
Hello - I have noticed that mine has been shorter and lighter - yay!!!!
   — bzymomjamie

April 23, 2008
It made me very irregular and bleed very heavy. I would have it for 2 weeks and then not have it for 2 weeks and have it again for two weeks. I became very anemic and had to go for iron IV'S. I finally had an endometrial ablation which took care of the bleeding problem but I still get it every 2 weeks to 17 days. Only its not bad. i wear a panty liner.
   — Joanc

April 23, 2008
Sure does I now get a visit from my friend every month. I would go without it for 6-9 months at a time. I'd rather be without it. (lol)
   — shadow1102

April 23, 2008
Sure does I now get a visit from my friend every month. I would go without it for 6-9 months at a time. I'd rather be without it. (lol)
   — shadow1102

April 23, 2008
Hi Cammellia, Yes lossing weight does effect your period, at less for me it did. I have been married for 12 1/2 years and my husband and I have been trying all this time to have a baby. I even went to fertility doctors on tow seperate times. Still no baby. Well the 26th of this month will be my 1 year ann. I have lost about 94 lbs. a little over a month ago I found out the I was pregnant. I was using the nuvaring a my form of birthcontrol and decide not the insert for that month before. I got pregnant that fast. My periods have been regular for the whole year. Before I would have to meds inorder to have one. I'm sad to report that 2 week ago I had a m/c. But Go is still in control and he allowed me to get pregnant then I know he will do the same again. GodBless Vanessa
   — Vanessa Dates

April 23, 2008
Thank you all for your extensive knowledge and Vanessa, sorry about your MC. Keep having faith and don't be discouraged. God has a plan for you and your family.
   — caramela718

April 23, 2008
The only thing that changed for me, is my periods weren't as heavy as I started losing the weight which was great. As for time, the surgery didn't seem to interfere with my monthly schedule, it came and ended when it was supposed to but again, everyone's body is different and everyone's experience with this surgery varies.
   — sassychick247

April 24, 2008
It mad me very regular like clockwork since I have lost the weight. It has also made them more painful and heavier the first couple of days. I would like if my GYN would just take out my uterus, it has served its purpose!!!LOL
   — daisyrock3

April 24, 2008
I had my first period in 8 years one week after surgery. I've always been irregular and had fertility problems. So I had about 8 months of regular (like clockwork) periods after surgery and then it stopped. I'm 49 so I hope this is the real menopause.
   — conniew

April 24, 2008
Has not been affected in the least. I'm 41 and am 4 months post op. I've lost 60 lbs. and am very regular!
   — KritterK

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