has anyone had"filter" for blood clots?
— sexyagain (posted on March 5, 2008)
March 5, 2008
I work in a hospital and have a friend in the dept that puts in filters for
clots. She says its a very safe procedure done as a day surgery.
— pinky_711
March 5, 2008
I had one doen a few years back for a clot in my leg. It is a very simple
proceedure. I naw take bood thinners and don't appreat to have any further
problems. This was not related to my RNY surgery.
— William (Bill) wmil
March 5, 2008
My husband has had one in for years. He had to have it put in before they
would do back surgery on him. I am sure it has saved his life many times.
It was not a big deal and he certainly doesn't know he has it in him.
— Claudia C.
March 6, 2008
Just had one put in last week for the WLS. Piece of cake! It can either be
put in through the groin or neck (mine was in the neck), and the procedure
itself takes 10-15 minutes.
— obeseforever
March 6, 2008
My husband had one put in through his neck the day before his RYN because
he had blot clot problems before. They took it out 2 weeks after he came
home. They didn't want to leave it in longer because they can move and
cause problems in some cases.
— MarjN
March 6, 2008
A lot of times filters are used to avoid liability. I checked with my
insiurance company and they told me that if the filters were not medically
inciated that the insurance will not pay. I attended three different
seminars and only one doctor routinlely uses the filters. It turns out he
lost a patient to a blood clot. I would check with my insurance company or
you could be stuck with a big bill. If you have a medical condition that
requires the filters that is one thing but to do give everyone a filter is
rediculous It't just more money for the doctor'd povlr. I had my surgery
at Centennial Hospital in Nashville and they are only used for high risk
patient. Check with your insurance to be safe or you could be left with a
big bill.
— t_roxus
March 7, 2008
I just had my filter taken out today not a problem went very well. The doc
actually showed me the filter pretty small.
— copgirl
March 26, 2008
Yes, they are called GreenField Filters. Its done as outpatient and
painless. It was done for me just as a precaution for the RNY if any
bloodclots would occur during the surgery. Its no big deal.
— iwantwls
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