Looking for e-buddies

Hi! I'm 5 wks post-RNY and I am looking for people that are in a similar time-frame that would like to be e-buddies. I have a great family that I can talk to, but nobody that understands exactly what I'm going through on a regular basis. Thanks!    — sbonner (posted on November 13, 2007)

November 12, 2007
my surgery was 10-1-07 so i'm only one week ahead of you and we can be e-buddies. how are you doing? talk to you soon, Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

November 13, 2007
MY RNY was 9-4-07 so I am about a month ahead of you, let me know if there is anything I can do for you!! Happy Losing! Suzanne
   — smf0926

November 13, 2007
I am one week out today. Would love to be your e-buddy. I will support you!!! We can do this!!
   — dthomp

November 13, 2007
Hi my surgery was 10/22/07 - I'd love to be e-mail buddy. I too have a supportive but skinny family. They don't really understand. They just see me on a new "diet" and think "this too will pass like the rest". I need someone who knows it won't and can't. I'm doing well so far - Lactose intolerant tho & a lot of taste changes. Hope to hear from you. [email protected] Nanajane
   — NanaJane

November 13, 2007
Hi Shannon!! I'm also 5 weeks post-RNY I had my surgey Nov 3rd. I would love to be e-buddies I have so many questions and no one to ask. My family is very supportive, they just don't understand. So send me some ifo and I will send you some. I weigh in at 245 on surgery day today was my dr's visit I have lost 30 lbs they said that was great I'm not sure because I see where some people double that. And now I am on a regular diet again..I'm nervous about that because I'm afraid I will get sick....gosh so many questions nice to have someone that has experienced this.....look forward to hearing from you.
   — Debb0314

November 13, 2007
Hi! My surgery was 10/09/07. I had open RNY. My husband and kids have been very supportive, but the rest of the family was against my decision. None of the above can understand the whole concept of this weight loss journey, so I would love to have e-buddies to correspond with. Hope to hear from you and hope all is going well! [email protected]
   — Dennycakes

November 13, 2007
First of all, congratulations to you. My RNY was 3-15-07 and it was the day that my life changed. I started out at 245 and I am down to 144 in just 8 short months. I do not have a single piece of clothing that I had last spring at the beginning of this journey. That for me was the hardest discard my expensive clothes. But, hey, now that the size 26 dresses are gone and I am putting on size 8 each morning...I am over it. The exciting times that are ahead of you are amazing. You will feel so good once you are past these times of uncertainty. There are definitely foods that I avoid because they have made me deathly sick. You just don't want to go there. Last night, however, my husband and I went to eat Mexican food and I had a taco salad. Well,I had 1/4 a taco salad. I am used to that too by this time. The good thing is you always have lunch the next day. The waiter kinda stares at you when you ask for a doggy bag when your plate first arrives. I would love to be there for you and answer any questions you might have if I can. Feel free to email me with daily "thoughts" that arise or just to hear a word of encouragement. But I get all the encouragement I can from the scales and my emptying closet. Good luck to you and ENJOY YOURSELF. Pam C. [email protected]
   — Txgal8437

November 14, 2007
Hi There! I had Lap RNY on 9-27-07 so am 7 weeks out. Same story, supportive family, but hard for them to really "get" what I am going through. I have been at a plateau for over 2 weeks now, but still have lost 46 pounds. Would love to be your buddy. Add me to your list! Deni
   — Deni

November 14, 2007
I am always looking for new WLS friends! Let me know if you need support. I'm here.
   — M. Murray

November 15, 2007
Hi Shannon... I'm nearly 5wks post-RNY. Before surgery I was 286, yesterday I had my 4th wk post op and now at 267. I have a wonderful family who suports me in every way. I'd love to be your buddie... Aloha
   — WandaB

November 16, 2007
Congrats. I have my surgery 11-20 so I am behind you but we can help each other. You can never have to many friends. Tonya

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