Back pain and just sore how long before I'll feel better?
Had surgery this past Tuesday the 28th and I'm still sore and have lower back pain. HELP! :) — Julie H. (posted on September 1, 2007)
September 1, 2007
Hi, It will ease as time goes on. Remember you just had MAJOR surgery, give
your body a chance to heal sweety. Best Wishes, Mickey
— MCraig3
September 1, 2007
I had surgery on the 23rd and it took me a while to work out the kinks.
Walking, resting, sipping have helped in my recovery. Every day is
different. I am sure by next week you will be feeling much better. If not
then see your Dr.
Take care, Gale
— mariamahoa
September 1, 2007
I had surgery on 8/17 and I am still sore. I did check with the doctor and
this is very normal. The side where they do most of the manipulating with
all of the Lap tools is where it will continue to hurt most. Keep your
chin up and continue to take the pain meds to help keep the pain under
control. Good Luck!!
— MariaRN
September 2, 2007
I had surgery the 15th of August and still have some slight discomfort on
my left side where the drain was and the camera went in (nothing to take
any meds for) and I have some continuing back pain. When I saw the doc and
complained of more than usual back pain, they told me that being on the
small operating table in one position for so long without moving can cause
the pain. Increase your exercise as you can and I have found that and my
heating pad to help.
— Elaine L.
September 2, 2007
I had HORRIBLE back pain before and after surgery. I will be honest, it got
better with time, but I felt miserable for like a month. I couldn't get
comfy, lost sleep and was grumpy as heck. My body was adjusting to the hi
protein food - my kidneys were pissed. It passes, again, I started to feel
better in like a month's time. Hot showers helped. I got a refill of my
pain meds and it helped. But the main thing is walk, keep active no matter
how much it hurts as in the end it does help work out everything. Good
— jammerz
September 2, 2007
Both will ease as time goes on as other posters have said. I find that
everytime I dump more weight, I have back pain for about 4 days although
lately it's gone down to mostly just one day now. Your back has to get
used to not carrying the weight it once did and you have to re-strengthen
your back muscle to get it used to the lesser weight at certain intervals.
Hang in there and keep up with everything. It DOES get better! Keep the
faith! God Bless and good luck!
— crystalsno
September 13, 2007
You just had MAJOR surgery! It takes a while for the pain/discomfort to go
— Novashannon
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