I woke up in the middle

Last night I went to bed at 10p.m.. I woke up at 3 burping a lot and couldn't sleep but felt ok. At 4:00 i had to run to the bathroom and vomit. Although this is really gross, it was black as night and very thick. Has anyone else had this happen for no reason?    — missyheffelfinger (posted on April 12, 2007)

April 11, 2007
I dont have an easy answer for you. Have you called your Dr yet? I cant imagine any circumstances where anything black is good! Best wishes, Chris
   — CChappell

April 11, 2007
AMOS MOD NOTE: Call your Doc IMMEDIATELY! None of us are doctors and we want everyone to be safe. Please let us know what was happening.
   — bob-haller

April 11, 2007
I agree with the other two! Call your doctor right away!!
   — roberta45

April 11, 2007
I do not want to alarm you, but black is almost always an indicator of blood, unless of course you ate a whole bunch of Oreos. Black tarry stools are an indicator of blood/internal bleeding as well as black vomit. You absolutely need to speak to you doctor right away.
   — fluphystuph

April 12, 2007
Call the now! Could be an ulcer or your body has gone into acidosis.
   — Virginia M.

April 12, 2007
I agree with Karen, if you are vomiting black or having black stools it is a sign of internal bleeding. Please either see your doctor today or go to your local emergency room, please take care and good luck.
   — noboat4u

April 13, 2007
You didn't happen take peptobismal or anything containing bismuth...? It mixes with sulfur found in the mouth and GI tract to form bismuth sulfate--a black substance that can color the mouth/tongue, stools and vomit black. I definitely agree that you ought to get this checked out... but when doing so, make sure to mention that you've been taking peptobismal if in fact you have been. :) Please do let us know how things turn out.
   — mrsidknee

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