Relflux and band was emptied

New member but had my band done 5 years ago, I had .7 in and was gaining weight went in for a fill..He filled me too much and I had relux and night time psuedo acalagia, ie throwing up. now he took everyhting out and wont put back in for a couple of months. I am already back up to 190!    — LaurenC (posted on February 22, 2007)

February 23, 2007
Do you have a question? What you are experiencing is fairly common. Your surgeon likey wants to make sure your esophagus will heal from any potential damage done from the reflux, and is proceeding with caution. (Which, if you're a 5-year veteran, you probably know that already). I know it's frustrating, but you lost it once, and you can lose it again once you get restriction. Now is the time to put into action all that you have learned about nutrition, portions self-control and exercise over that 5 years. Damage control! :)
   — Jeanie

February 23, 2007
I can only imagine what you are going through right now. I am still in the aproval stage so i still weigh.... a lot.... :( and im still very unhealthy. Like the first poster person said, you did do it before you can do it again, just keep using what you learnt and you'll do great.. You did great to begin with.. :) Sometimes i have to think things happen for a reason, maybe you needed to see that you are a great person and that you can do this again, that your tummy just needed a rest and then it will be back to business shortly. you just never know, but at least know there are people here who have been there and are there for you now... take care and please know your in my prayers. and i am encouraged by you Paula
   — japaad

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