Please help- just had Hemorrhoidectomy- hemorrhoid surgery
I was hospitalized on Friday September 8th for hemorrhoids the docotr had me on bed rest (I could only get up to go to the bathroom) and a clear liquid diet. He checked on me several times for a few days and when they didn't get any better- Monday September 11th he decided he was going to perform surgery. Now please understand I had been suffering from the hemorrhoids for 3 weeks prior to going to the hospital. My question is he wants me on a high fiber diet- I need help- could someone give me some suggestions on what to eat- maybe someone out there has had the same surgery- I know I am very sore and I had a bm last night- it was soft but the burning during and after was so painful. I am so tired I will just be glad to get back to normal. I WILL BE NORMAL AGAIN WON'T I??????? Thank you so much to everyone and GOD BLESS!!!!! KARI — huntersavage (posted on September 13, 2006)
September 14, 2006
Almonds and lettuce, if you can tlerate them. Also, sprinkle flax seed on
your yogurt. I do not know what you can do on a liquid diet.
— Novashannon
September 14, 2006
You might want to check out Benefiber or Fibersure. They both mix into
anything you want (I even add it to spaghetti sauce or whatever I happen to
be cooking) and you can't tell its in there at all. Very easy to take.
Vegetables tend to be high fiber. Grains as well. You might want to check
out some of the products that are for low carb dieters as they tend to be
high fiber. Do a websearch for high fiber foods and I'm sure you'll get a
ton of pages with lists of food.
If you are having a lot of pain, you might want to ask your doctor for
something topical to use before you are going to go to the bathroom.
I'm sure you'll be normal again. Think of it this way... you've had the
hemorrhoids for at least three weeks, recovery isn't going to happen
Best wishes.
— mrsidknee
September 14, 2006
Hi Kari!
I didn't have them as bad as you,but I was out of commission for a solid
week.I now take one Colace a day (generic is Docusate Sodium) It's
inexpensive. It really works well and was recommended by the nurse at my
doctors office. Check with your doc and see if it would be okay for you. I
found that fiber foods, almonds for example made the condition much
worse.I'm finally back to normal, but I understand your pain, I couldn't
even walk! If you have the surgery for them, best of luck and take care of
Lisa Michelle
— Lisa Michelle
September 15, 2006
I have (H) but my main problem was eating oils and butter was inflaming
them and the area related to bowel movements.
— vasquez_1200
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