Left side above naval I have a pulling/popping when yawning or leaning to the left.
I am five days post-op and it has been like this since the day after surgery but it is getting more noticable. It feels like my pouch is going up into the diaphram hole, but I can't be sure. I had xrays and ct scan on thursday and everything was perfect. Sometimes I can feel a constant pulling when I am in a sitting postiion just above and to the left of the naval. It is also numb to the touch above my naval. Any idea what's going on? anyone have this problem — symple (posted on June 4, 2006)
June 4, 2006
Sometimes I can feel a constant pulling when I am in a sitting postiion
just above and to the left of the naval. It is also numb to the touch above
my naval
ok I think I might have part of your answer. The pulling is adhesions. Scar
tissue. It pulls like pulling cotton candy on a stick. I have had severs
adhesions and they are pretty painful. As far as the numbing it could be
just you are so new out. I would keep on it and keep asking your doctor,
like after three weeks. If you are ok other than that you are in great
shape. Becareful if you throw up it might be painful. I hope this helps
congradulations. You are a butterfly. Waych your wings spread you can fly
high as you want to go.
— T. Rosario
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