I ate some of my sons chili fries last night and I feel like UUUKK.

I had surgery on March 21st. I just took a few bites without even thinking. I now feel terrible but I am not throwing up or anything to get it out. What should I do??    — nhakanson (posted on March 26, 2006)

March 25, 2006
You're going to have to suffer through it and don't do it again. Let your body do what it has to in order to purge it.
   — Nicki F.

March 25, 2006
Its going to be hard, but from now on, everything you put into your mouth has to be really thought about. What food protocol does your surgeon/Nut have you on at 5 days post op- soft foods , regular foods or are you on full liquids or pureed phase? Before surgery, most of us didn't think before we popped something into our mouths, and now newly post op, you will need to be very attentive around food. It will start to become easier the farther out you become. Good luck Cindi - 220#
   — DollyDoodles

March 25, 2006
You're probably feeling better by now, but if not, don't hesitate to call your doctor! But now you know why you're only supposed to be eating liquids this early out. Your pouch just isn't ready for solids yet. That ukky feeling is one reason why the pouch is referred to as a "tool." I think of mine more as a conscience, because it tends to tell me when I've done something wrong. Now if I could just get it to tell me *before* I do a bad thing.... :-) You are also in the learning stages. We got where we were because we "took a few bites without even thinking" a few too many times. We all have to learn to think first, and lose that automatic hand to mouth reflex. Tough, but doable. Slow down, stick to your doctor's instructions, and you'll be fine! and if the hands still have a mind of their own, try wearing gloves -- the odd feel will stop you from reaching for food without thinking. You're in my prayers! <3
   — mwilson523

March 25, 2006
Only being 4 days out you should still be on clear liquids. You could seriously hurt yourself by eating solids especially fried ones. I am 5 months out and can have an occational french fry. I tried cheese fries at 2 months out and felt very sick. Let yourself heal.
   — jengriggs01

March 25, 2006
You'll suffer this time around. But be careful for next time. Good luck!
   — kublai92

March 26, 2006
Quote: "What should I do??" Not do it again. I'm over 4 years out and still can not tollerate french fries. :(
   — RebeccaP

March 26, 2006
Wether I am lucky or not I can eat nearly anything and had a small number of cheese fries, a couple onion rings and half a steak and shake burger last nite, yummy.... But even after nearly 5 years half of a normal persons meal, or maybe much less, people really chowed down around us, one guy ordered 2 complete meals for himself with dessert sat right by us. Just WHAT and how much anyone can eat changes after your out awhile and depends on the person. Its a learning experience. I encourage newbies to be VERY diet compliant, after all we have the rest of our life to cheat, at least get to goal and develop some good habits first.
   — bob-haller

March 26, 2006
Try desperately not to get into the habit of grazing on foods like this. Let it be a lesson that this kind of food is NOT your friend, and never will be. Make sure to get all your supplements and protein in or after two years out you will blow the malabsorption you have working for you because of hypertrophy and then every single chili cheese fry you eat after that will go right back on your butt! :)
   — j_coulter

March 26, 2006
One of the previous posters said "you should still be on clear liquids" and that is not necessarily true. All Dr's are different and have different post-op instructions. I was only on clear liquids while I was in the hospital. I was released to start eating normal food at only 1 wk post-op so don't worry too much. If you are uncomfortable or in pain or just plain worried, please call your Dr. Best wishes!
   — Michelle_S

March 27, 2006

   — sor09

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