Anyone that can help me right now?
I am almost two weeks post op and my doctor's office is closed right now. I can call if I absolutely need to. Here's my question. Over the last hour or so whenever I take a couple of sips of water I get an ache in my central abdomen area. It is just left of the center of my abdomen between my breasts and navel. It starts as an ache and then gradually turns into pain (about a 7 out of 10) and then goes away as quickly as it came. Anyone experienced this? What was it? What did you do? I have my 2 week follow up on Wednesday so I definitly plan to ask about it but I wonder if I should be very concerned in the meantime. Thanks for your help with this. — jeanfergus (posted on March 13, 2006)
March 13, 2006
CALL YOUR SURGEON RIGHT NOW! It MIGHT not be anything but on unexplained
pain your better off calling!!
— bob-haller
March 13, 2006
Don't wait, I would go to the ER. Too many IF"S could be going on.
I hope you are okay....
— vhoupt
March 13, 2006
I remember those pains, are you taking your stomach pills (prilosec,ect)?
I'm assuming those pains are your stomach relearing how to react to liquids
and solids. I remember about 3 or 4 weeks post op those pains went away. Do
you still have your drains in? That can make your stomach do weird things
also, my stomach felt much better after the Dr. took my drain tubes out. I
wouldn't worry to much about the pains, if they last more than 20 minuets
and you start to vomit because of them then I'd get on the phone with my
Good luck, Karyn
— Zimpo
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