Pain in upper right abdominal area
I've been having this pain in the upper right abdominal area that radiates to the back. Seems my monthly has been coming earlier and counts back to ovulation but not sure. Its not my gallbladder as I've had that out when I had my RNY in April 2003. Ultrasound showed small hemangioma on liver, Not the cause. I had a left ovarian cyst removed in nov and the pain started in early jan. The cyst turned out to be a very large tumor non-cancerous. I think it may be a cyst on the right as well but didnt think the pain would be that high up. Possible appendix? Thats low on the right side. I now got my monthly about 4 days early and the pain came with it. Usually it doesn't so I'm confussed as what this could be. Oh, my bariatric surgeon said pain or problems from RNY would be on the left Not the right. Any help out there? — zapuback (posted on March 7, 2006)
March 7, 2006
Hi Sunshine. Have you seen your Gynecologist? I would think with your
history of ovarian cysts that they would want to do a sonogram, CT, or MRI
to rule out further cysts. I hope you feel better soon!
— kittycathy64
March 8, 2006
See your OB/GYN and ask to be checked for Endometriosis, sounds like what
you might have. I have it and have the same symptoms all the time, every
— vlaster
March 13, 2006
My Bariatric Dr is sending me for Upper GI March 20th., and we'll see if
that shows anything. After that I will go back to the Gyno and have the
Sono again to see if there is anything relatied to that.
— zapuback
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