Any Dr. Babineaux patients out there?

Can you tell me of your experiences with him and how are you doing so far since the procedure.    — mischief85 (posted on February 17, 2005)

February 18, 2005
I had surgery on Oct. 20,2004 with Dr. Babineau. I had to have open RNY due to a previous surgery.If you would like to email me at [email protected] I would be happy to tell you about my experience. Good luck.
   — debi327

February 18, 2005
Yes, I used Dr. Babineau. You can email me at [email protected] I will be glad to tell you about my experience.
   — debi327

February 19, 2005
Yes, I used Dr. Babineau. He is a "10" in my book. I love him and his staff.
   — twin94

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