Two part question, can anyone give me insight?
Yesterday I started to get this pain in my stomach, closer to the bottom of my sternum. This pain lasted for about 15 mins and nothing I did made it feel any better. I couldnt breath well with it. Then I started getting dry heaves. Then as quickly as it came on it stopped! After that though I had tightness in my chest and pain in my shoulders. So I went to the ER ( Hubby made me ) They said I have Biliary Colic. Has anyone ever heard of that? What is the end result? Also when I was there they noticed my potassium level was extremely low (2.5) so they gave me some iv meds and also a take home mix to drink for the next few days. So does biliary colic and low potassium levels go together or is it 2 seperate things? And also whats going to happen, if anything? — Renee D. (posted on June 12, 2003)
June 12, 2003
Biliary Colic usually mean you have you still have your
gallbladder???? If so it sounds like when you eat the stone is blocking
off your bile duct which will cause pain. The Potassium thing isnt related
but can be serious if not treated so keep and eye on that. As far as a
cholecystectomy(gallbladder removal) goes they can do it lap now with just
an overnight stay in the hospital. It is a very common surgery for us WLS
patients as post ops. You can also try a medication called Actigall it may
be your last step before surgery. Good luck to you. Wendi
— lovemonterey
June 12, 2003
I would call your bariatric surgeon that did your WLS. Sometimes ER
doctors are not familar with the special needs of post ops and some of the
complications that we may have.
— Linda A.
June 12, 2003
Hi Im the original poster! Thanks for your answers! And yes I do still have
my gallbladder( although by the looks of things, maybe not for long)!
— Renee D.
June 12, 2003
Renee,I noticed that you are a new post-op. Definitely ensure that you
report this to your surgeon. I always thought the gall bladder attacks
(and I had gallstones and the gallbladder removed years ago) were in a
different location then you describe. As you describe it, it may just be
that you ate something the pouch did not like or that you ate too much. I
used to get severe pouch pain if I overate initially with pain radiating
into the shoulder. Gallbladder attacks are usually brought on by eating
heavy fried foods which I doubt your eating as a new post-op. Anyways, the
point here is to always check with your surgeon as the other poster
mentioned, some ER docs are not familiar with our issues.
— Cindy R.
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