I need to lose atleast 7lbs in the next 9 days or surgery will be canceled

Im sorry to ask such a common question but I cant seem to find it in the library. I need to lose atleast 7lbs before surgery, I had to lose 10 and already did a few times but if I stop what I was doing it comes right back on( those attempts have taken weeks). Is there anything I can do thats quick to lose weight before the surgery? If i dont the Drs office will cancel. I have 9 more days...I figure I can lose a lb a day I just dont know any "quick" ways! Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!    — Renee D. (posted on April 27, 2003)

April 27, 2003
I wanted to loose some weight before my surgery and went to Walmart and got the Hollywood diet drink. It is a juice drink and you drink that for 3 days with water. It was hard but by my surgery date, I was down 20 pounds in 3 days. I weighed more than most but it should take off the 7 pounds for you. Make sure to walk and exercise if possible along with it. Drink more water than it says and it works great. Hope this helps!! Best of luck to you.
   — jacutting

April 27, 2003
What it work for me and my sister years ago when we need to loose weight for a party or something, was to have a hot lemonade of more than two lemons, before breakfast and dinner, also we had an over the counter water pill, like once a week because we use to like salt and retain water, and a lot of meat , salads fruits and yogurt, no sodas, that worked great for us for years, a friend of us who was boxing told us about it, because they have to sometimes to loose weight from one day to another right before a fight. Now I can't do that because I developed GERD, and the lemonade will kill me, but still works for my sister. If you have hartburn like me take the lemonade after breakfast and dinner, it burns all the fat, and the diuretic will take all the extra water out of your sistem, but of course don't do it more than two weeks. Good luck and God Bless You....
   — Rosa M.

April 27, 2003
   — Maureen A.

April 27, 2003
I would definitely recommend the strict Atkins induction stage with lots of water and exercise.
   — susanje

April 27, 2003
While it is not my business to agree or disagree with your doctor and I am not a doctor myself, your problem should not be. We are all people, who, if able to control our weight all these years, would not need to have nor hope to have WLS surgery. Any doctor who threatens to cancel surgery if a person doesn't lose 7 lbs is a butcher, not a doctor. We go through and have gone through much torment being overweight. This doctor is just telling you and others like you that you are a "bad" person and if you don't show you can lose 7 lbs.....then you can't have the surgery. If we could lose the 7lbs, we would not need this doctor and he would be out of a job. I am sorry for being so direct and to the point. My surgeon was a consummate professional who never, ever chastised me for being 325 lbs. Today, I am down to 221 and feel great about myself 6 and a half months after the surgery. I wish you the best. This is the single best thing you will ever do FOR yourself in your life.
   — Steve B.

April 27, 2003
Hi Guys, Im the original poster....I just wanted to say thank you for ALL your input! I completely agree with the people who say I shouldnt have to lose the weight...If i could do it, I wouldnt be here! unfortunatley even though I dont agree w/ the diet preop I am this close and cant or wont give up and start over! Im going to try just water and veggies for the next few days and see where that gets me and if all else fails im going to het the hollywood drink( it took off a few lbs before). SO again thank you...Hopefully something will work!
   — Renee D.

April 27, 2003
I would not do just water and veggies as your body is likely to go into starvation mode and try and hang onto everything and you will end up gaining fluid weight. <p>My surgeon required a protein and veggie diet for 2 weeks before surgery to shrink our livers and make surgery easier. I lost 21 lbs on this plan. I ate as much protein as I wanted and almost 100% avoided any other carbs (fruit, breds, potatoes etc.). I actually found that eating the large amounts of protein that it took to fill me up kept me from snacking as I was plenty satisfied. I'd have steak with sauteed mushrooms and onions etc. I'd make good quality protein choices but did not focus too much on fat intake, although it was very reasonable. <p>I'd give it a try. If you are concerned about it ask the surgeon first, but it should be safe.
   — zoedogcbr

April 28, 2003
Hi Renee, When I read this question I was hoping it was not you. Girl, I feel your pain! Dr. A. is making us NUTS! I too have been a slave to the scale and worried sick over our upcoming surgeries!! My suggestion, that got me to drop the weight for them, is all protien and tons of water! Eat cottage cheese,eggbeaters,string cheese, fish,shrimp,tuna,deli sliced turkey/ham, soups,salads and green veggies etc. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!! I am praying for ya Renee. We've come all this way!! I'll see ya on the other side Sooooooon! :-)
   — Kelly W.

April 28, 2003
EVERY TIME a surgeons makes such a requirement it should be noted on our surgeons profile page. Such negative comments might help send patients to other surgeons and the offending docs will get the message such requirements are unacceptable. We can help make things easier for future patients!.
   — Sam J.

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