What are some symptoms for Diabetes?

I have been having these serious headaches along with frequent urination, and drinking everything in sight, I stay really tired and after I eat I get really sleepy could it be possible that I am diabetic? I don't have any ins. so I can't go to a Dr. and find out so I had to come to my extended family for a answer-LOL    — mischief85 (posted on October 7, 2002)

October 7, 2002
run, dont walk to your nearest clinic or county hospital. diabetes can kill and it can happen quickly when not treated. two simple and probably not very expensive blood and urine tests would probably be done right away for an immediate positive diagnosis if you have very high blood sugar. if it cost you 100 dollars would it be worth it to save your life, i dont even know you and you are a priceless human being to me. county programs are paid by our taxes for people like yourself who are not insured. dont wait on this one. get it checked out your local american diabetes association chapter or any diabetes education center(most hospitals have one)for referral to no or low cost health care. if you know a diabetic, have them use their meter to check out your blood sugar AND even if it is within normal limits, seek medical care. yes, you do have some of the common symptoms of diabetes: excessive thirst, excessive hunger, excessive urination, you may be actually losing weight without trying to. patsy in las vegas (RN for alot of years!)
   — PATSY N.

October 7, 2002
Dear Heart..I agree with Patsy and I am a needle using diabetic. Go to your nearest free clinic asap..What she didnt mention was the devastating damage that diabetes can do to your body before it kills you...Kidney failure,having to wear almost a diaper for the incontinence(urination),blindness, amputation of feet, nerve damage and extreme burning of feet(not repairable)and wounds that won't heal...GO..Please don't wait.Life is too precious...
   — Cheri P.

October 7, 2002
Your symptoms are definitley in the diabetic category. Like the others stressed, go to any free clinic, or even if you know a friend who is diabetic, ask them to test you on thier monitor. Anything 126 or over is diabetic. However, a doctor does more thorough and fasting tests. But at least it could possibly give you some kind of knowledge. I would immediatly cut out the sugar, go low carb, start exercising(does wonders to make the blood sugar normal if it isn't too out of control, even just walking) and drink lots of water. These things especially help if you are obese as controlling your weight can help control it sometimes. I ignored the symptoms and I passed out!. Please don't wait like I did!
   — stacey1273

October 7, 2002
Stephanie, I would listen to the previous posters, as they sound knowledgeable about Diabetes (which I have no knowledge of). However, your symptoms also sound a lot like Sleep Apnea (which I had for 4 years prior to WLS). Frequent unination, Excessive thirst, Headaches, Lethargy, Sleepiness - these all are associated with it. If you are Morbidly Obese, your liklihood of Sleep Apnea is greatly increased. Good luck to you either way. Kevin
   — meilankev

October 8, 2002
Don't want to freak you out, just want to stress how important it is to go get this checked - I nearly died of pancreatitis from undiagnosed diabetes. If you need another resource from info, go to or Best wishes to you.
   — kultgirl

October 8, 2002
hi there. my brother becane diabetic at the age of 15. it was a hectic time as my mom was in the hospital recovering from surgery and dad was spending time with her. i was busy going to school, working and going to the health club so we didnt realize my brother was getting ill. he was tired, thirsty,never hungry but craved only sweet things when he did gey hungry. he dropped like 20lbs in two weeks. we noticed how sickly he looked when he took his shirt off. we took him to the doctor and discovered it was diabetis. im glad we realized this beofre it was too late.
   — carrie M.

October 8, 2002
Do you know any nurses? Any friends who work for any type of care facility? My dad was so sick & nobody could figure it out. A man nurse our family knew had us test his blood sugar on a monitor from the nursing home where he worked. It was sooo high it wouldn't even register!! Over 600. Also you DO have to be careful, if your blood sugar is extremely high it can be dangerous to exercise. Best to get it checked ASAP.
   — Shelly S.

October 9, 2002
What you describe are the symptoms I had for diabetes... PLEASE see a doctor and get it under control. Unchecked diabetes can do damage than can't be fixed to your body.. even with WLS. Please get it checked. My diabetes was a nasty surprise a week prior to surgery and I had to work really hard that week to get my blood surgar down... I was stressed enough without that. Good luck.. -- your symptoms mirror mine. By the way, my blood sugar was normal within days of surgery.
   — Lisa C.

October 9, 2002
Check with your local drug stores and try the local chapter of the diabetes associations.. sometimes there are free screenings. Other than that... find someone who has it and has to check their sugar often... a friend did that for me... she checks her blood sugar daily and she checks mine for me every once in while...
   — Lisa C.

October 9, 2002
At a BMI of 73 ts likely your diabetic. But dont dispair its a excellent co morbidity. Although dangerous it can be managed and with you getting WLS it will probably go away. So dont panic but get it looked at.
   — bob-haller

October 10, 2002
It sounds like the symptons of diabetes, you need to check your blood sugar to say for sure, check and see if there is a county health dept or a diabetes education center connected with a local hospital, I am a diabetic and I had the exact same symptons you are having just before I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, also go on the diabetes assoication website and check it out also. DO NOT WASTE ANY TIME BECAUSE DIABETES OUT OF CONTROL CAN CAUSE ALL KINDS OF DAMAGE INCLUDING DEATH
   — Grace H.

October 12, 2002
I am trying to get in contact with the lady that ask the LDS (Mormon) guestions. I to am LDS and have not considered the questions about church beliefs. I would really like to explore what the church says about diet, surgery, & etc.
   — Diana M.

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