Dizzy @ 4 wks Post op

I am four weeks post op.............yesterday, and today I woke up, and I was so dizzy that the room was literally spinning around. What could this be from? Any advice would really be appreciated....thanks! ps....I still feel dizzy, and it's 3 hours after I awoke.    — Carol D. (posted on August 7, 2002)

August 6, 2002
I am only 3weeks today post-op. But these are things I have been told by my Doc. Causes of dizziness can be attributed to not enough fluids, blood pressure to high ( are you checking it 2x a day) if you are diabetic: sugar is to low. Your best bet is to call your Doc. and run it by him. Hope this helps God Bless Judy Fridley
   — JUDY F.

August 7, 2002
You may be lacking iron try getting B-12 sublingul for GNC and take it with vitamin C it helps enhance th B-12. I had the same problem and I couldn't get an appointment for 4 days and someone recomended this and by the next day or 2 I felt much better. I still went to the doctor for blood work and since I took to B-12 everything was great. I suggest you get bloodwork and try the B-12. Good Luck!!
   — Bonnie S.

August 7, 2002
I too am dizzy alot. For me it is due to low blood pressure, electrolite imbalance, dehydration or an unexplained cause. In all cases, I do check with my doctor. Occassionally I actually have to wear a scaopolamine patch to keep the motion sickness that comes with the dizziness at bay. Once I was actually dizzy for three months. And I came home from the hospital, Open RNY, with a patch because I could not even get out of bed, and a perspcription for a two more weeks of patches. All that to say, get it checked, but it could be nothing.
   — Jeanna M.

August 7, 2002
I'm 3 months post-op and I've been dizzy/lightheaded myself. I discussed this with my surgeon's RN who told me it could be one of 3 things: (1) not enough water/liquids; (2) blood pressure; or (3) I've taken in too much calcium. I have not been able to take in the full 64 oz. of water per day yet. I take in around 48 oz. I have been really working on taking in more water the last several days and I've noticed I'm not as dizzy as I was before.
   — Jennifer A.

August 7, 2002
Carol, I have episodes of dizziness with three specific occasions.(1.)low iron (2.)constipation (even slight) (3.)due to my allergies. Right now, my dizziness is from my sinuses draining and my ears being stopped up which is a DIRECT result of my allergies. This might not be even close, but no one else had mentioned it. By the way, if it is your problem, Rx nasal sprays and Clarinex is super. Good Luck!
   — Tina B.

August 7, 2002
I also ran into this problem about the same time as you. My surgeon told me to drink 1/2 cup of Pedilyte a day. I bought the fruit flavor and I water it down some. After that I have not had the spells since then. Best of losin'...
   — Tammy B.

August 7, 2002
Yeesh - same thing happened to me but earlier - I started having severe dizzy spells appx 2 weeks post op. I was miserable for a couple of days. My sister did some research here on the site and told me to increase my water intake. Once I did that the problem went away. I am still not very good about getting my water in - I'm lucky if I get in 50 oz per day - but I have not had an episode since. Sounds like it's time for you to hit the 'ol water bottle :)
   — Traci A.

August 8, 2002
My dizzy spells described exactly as yours are started right at the 4-week mark as well. Sad news is, it continued for quite some time and so bad that I literally had to hold on to the walls just to make it to the bathroom first thing in the morning. I went to my PCP and she said it "must" be a deep inner ear infection that she couldn't see. Bologna...I've read about too many people, as you can see by the replies that you received, who are dealing with the exact same thing after this surgery. I took my blood and did all the workups that I needed to and everything was fine so it couldn't be low whatever - I'm not sure what it is - I can tell you that is passes. I'm 4 months out almost to the day and I haven't had it in a long while. Good luck to you though.
   — Lisa J.

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