
I just went to the emergency room with a twisted intestine I felt like dying. Has anybody gone throw this? I had surgery May.. RNY I HAVE ONLY LOST 25 LBS.... ANYONE OUTHERE WITH SAME PROBLEM PLS BE SURE AND TELL ME.... SUSAN    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 23, 1999)

September 24, 1999
I had a blockage of my small intestine if this is what you mean? Not fun. I had my surgery July 12th and had to be re-operated on on July 24th to fix it. Then I got a wound infection. Sigh.....never a dull moment! I have healed completely now though.
   — terri S.

February 5, 2000
Susan, did you have to have surgery for the twisted intestine? I had something that sounds very similar recently. I had a gastric bypass in 1984 and had hardly any problems until recently. Off and on for about 3 years I had been having SEVERE pain that seemed intestinal and put me in the ER 3 times. The last time I ended up having surgery because of an intussusception (telescoping) of the small intestine. It was virtually impossible to detect through regular x-rays and it took a CAT scan taken after the intussusception caused part of my intestine to die before they saw anything. They still couldn't tell what they were seeing on the scan; maybe a tumor or a heria. Then exploratory surgery was done. Drs. said it was rare. I had my surgery on 11/16/99 and I have since had 2 more attacks. I'm afraid it's happening again. I only made the connection to the bypass surgery having anything to do with my intestine problem by searching the net. The Drs. couldn't explain it so I took it upon my self to search. Please go to the hospital immediately when your next attack occurs and demand a CAT scan or MRI. If you're having an intussusception at the time they will see something. This can be a VERY SERIOUS problem. If the intussusception causes a part of your intestine to die you only have 48 hrs. to have surgery before it could rupture and cause peritonitis. Let me know how you are doing.
   — Denise W.

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