hair loss is the most up seting thing that has happened

Please tell me i will 1 day want to look in the mirror again?????????????? PLEASE    — dana_meadors (posted on August 2, 2011)

August 2, 2011
Hi there, You are not the only one who went through this traumatic situation for a woman. I had a vertical sleeve gastarectemy this past feb and three months ago give or take, and my hair was falling out like a horror movie. But I see now that my surgeon and my wonderful case nurse at blue cross were right. I was not consuming enough protein and not being consistent with vitamin intake. After I put more effort into this, my hair stopped falling out and new is sprouting in it's place. listen to you body and give it what it needs. Don't ignore these signs of neglect like I did. I now munch on low fat protein bars , a protein shot ( gross but quick) and the go straight for the foods high in protein. It's a full time job and I find it mentally exhausting but when going into this life it's a given. Good luck and don't forget the protein lol
   — Lizafig

August 2, 2011
Dana, I also went through this and yes it was a bit upsetting BUT keep your spirits up as this will pass. I would love to give you a timeline BUT since everyone is different it may stop in a month or two or three/......mine slowed after 3 months and then stopped completely after the 7 month mark(RNY 2 June 2009). The good news is you normally do not go bald. Just make sure you keep your protein level up which helps alot. I also took Biotin which can be purchased at Walmart, CVS etc..... Again try and keep your spirits up....remember by losing weight you have been given a second chance for a healthy life....try to stay positive and when you look in the mirror see the beautiful woman you are looking back at you...........
   — karensaporito

August 2, 2011
You must take in all your protein, and I take biotin. I lost 127+ lbs and I had minimal hair loss. I followed what my NUT and Dr told me to eat and what vitamins to the "T." I keep saying this in this forum, but folks when you choose a surgeon, he should be a Dr with the gold standard of excellence. My Dr and NUT gave a booklet around 80 pages with information from pre-op to post, telling me what to eat and when and what vitamins to take and other valuable information.
   — FSUMom

August 2, 2011
Take a deep breath and know this too shall pass! I can identify with the panic you seem to be feeling. My hair was the ONLY thing I remotely liked about myself before surgery. So when it started falling out, like they told me it would, I felt a little panicky at first too. I increased my protein by using liquid proteins as i was still not able to EAT what i needed in protein. I used the shakes and i used protein shots. I still ate lean protein, but the liquids got me to the number my body was demanding. as i was able to eat the protein, i used the liquids as support rather than the main source. I was well prepared for the choices i would have to make post surgery and i LOVE my doc for that. It takes a little bit of prep on my part but it really isnt hard to make healthy choices! I had never had short hair. EVER. When it started falling out, i thought, okay. New tool, new life, new me...time for new style. I set several hair appointments and it went from almost to my waist, to now it is a sassy hair style that is above the shoulders and i LOVE it. lol. it fits my personality, my new sassy hopeful, exciting attitude about life. My hair is healthy and i am too! Keep positive! It will get better. do your part and get that protein in. take your vitamins. and breathe! hugss!!
   — lady_myst

August 3, 2011
I know exactly what you are going through, too! I loved my long hair before surgery & when it started falling out in clumps it was devastating! It was from the lack of protein (and low zinc also contributes to hair loss - I was on supplements for that too). Now I drink 1 protein shake a day made with skim milk & that puts me over the minimum protein required for each day. I have been using the Body Fortress 100% Premium Whey Protein powder. It has 25gm of protein per scoop. I also cut my hair off when it was falling out because of how badly knotted it was getting. It's above my shoulders too. My hair is naturally very dark so I have lightened it so that my scalp wasn't so noticeable. It has helped. Don't worry - it will start coming back in. Actually mine is starting to come in thicker in areas that were a little thin before surgery, too. Focus on getting your protein in & your hair will grow back! Good luck!
   — Tickie

August 3, 2011
I had the same thing happen to me yes it will pass but my hair got thin and curly you'll learn to manage hang in there it will get better Alice
   — alihorn

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