
I had gstric bypass surgery this past Thursday 6-10-10. I just came home from the hospital today and Im afraid that I have blood in my urine. Its the same color as what was in my drainage container but Im very very worried! Is this normal? What should I do?    — Leen84 (posted on June 12, 2010)

June 12, 2010
Could be an infection that started before or from the catheter. I would definately call, better safe than sorry. Try to call, may make you go to an urgent care for test and a script. Not an everyday outcome of surgery, but many of us will have easy bacterial access due to the catheter, so notcompletely unexpected.
   — scootermedic

June 12, 2010
It's not your period? I am pre menopausal and I got it right after my surgery. I am with the other person, call your Dr today.
   — FSUMom

June 13, 2010
It ma y not be blood... It m ight be c onsentrated urin. I know that m ine was ark rusty almost brown when I left the hospital and also depends what you are drinking. Cranberry can change the color as well. I would go to a local general pratictioner and get the m to do a urine test to find out to be sure. If it is then they would be able to tell you si mply if you got a urinary infection and perscribe meds for you . It might have been caused by your doctor putting in a cathater when you were having surgery. Some doctors do that .
   — OntarioSilk

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