After surgery

After surgery are we allowed to shower? I am having surgery on Wednesday and just need to know if I should take stuff to shower.    — lscheller (posted on December 27, 2009)

December 27, 2009
Yes, I waited until I got home the next day. You are kinda weak so you can take your stuff or wait until you get home. Usually, you stay one day in hospital. You will be up walking every 2 hrs so take slippers and robe. Congrats to you it was the best decision I ever made. I had very little pain and was off all pain meds the next day, just walk walk walk it helps alot.
   — kandrews64

December 27, 2009
I had a pain management pump catherter in my tummy so I couldn't shower. I just stood in the tub with a wash cloth and carefully washed. Once that came out two days later, I showered and it was heaven. Still want to soak in the tub, but can't do that yet. I had the Realize band on Dec. 23rd.
   — juliatettleton

December 27, 2009
I just had my surgery on the 22nd and had to wait 48 hrs to shower. Don't bring anything to the hospital its a waste of time. You will be kinda out of it the first day or two anyways. Take a shower the morning of...
   — lynnredboy

December 27, 2009
Definitely shower or bathe the morning of surgery. I had surgery on a Wed. and was released on Sat., which is the standard hospital stay required by my bariatric surgeon for RNY patients. I was too out of it to shower in the hospital and my oxygen sats weren't staying up so I was too weak. I was allowed to shower beginning as soon as I got home. And I was permitted to take a tub bath one week from surgery. I think this is just incredible for having had major surgery and multiple laproscopic holes. Congrats, you'll be so happy!
   — Janell C.

December 27, 2009
I am scheduled for the ROUX Y bypas on Dec 29th. They told me at my pre-op teaching that I will be able to shower. I will have an "On Q Pain Buster" ball inserted as well as a PCA Morphine pump. I guess they will heplock the PCA so I can shower. I will come home after three days with the Q Buster. I sure hope they will let me shower...yuck three days and no shower.
   — newstart4anewme

December 27, 2009
No you aren' least I wasn't so shower and wash your hair the day of surgery and then when you get feels like heaven when you.....good luck.
   — karensaporito

December 28, 2009
I was out of the hospital after one day post op, and I had surgical glue on my 7 incisions. They said I can shower as normal. If you have to stay longer than one day, then I believe they will either give you a towelette with soap on it to sponge bathe. You don't need to bring anything to shower with, they provide it. The less you bring the better.
   — Kristy

December 28, 2009
Hi. I had surgery on Dec. 10 and got out 2 days later. I had an I.V. so did not shower. Nurse sponged bathed me. Took a shower when I got home. Showering was the last thing on my mind. I was tired and slept on and off most of the time in the hospital.
   — Cynthia T.

December 28, 2009
On the morning of surgery, I had to shower and wash with betadine soap, scrubbing for 10 minutes from chin to knee, then rinse, then do it again for another 10 minutes. I was also told to make sure my hair was clean. I had surgery Monday afternoon and they TOLD me to shower on Tuesday morning. They just put plastic wrap over my PICC line and taped it up really well so that it wouldn't get wet, but they weren't concerned about my dressings or anything (they had waterproof dressings around the pain pump and the JP drain). I was a little worried about getting everything wet, though, so I just mainly stood back from the water and washed my "important" parts, and then used a plastic tumbler to rinse them. I took my own soap and my net shower "puff" because I hate bar soap and don't feel like washcloths get me clean enough.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

December 29, 2009
Thank you all on answering my question.
   — lscheller

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