B-Complex Vitamins

Does anyone have a solution to my question? I can't take B-Complex, I CAN take B-12, but B-Complex crushed makes me deathly ill.    — FSUMom (posted on September 26, 2009)

September 26, 2009
B Complex is made up of all the B vitamins. It's likely that you are sensitive to one or several of them...You can take the B vitamins seperate, weeding out the ones that you don't need or want to take. Just make certain that you take B-12 in sublingual form (shots or spray, as well)if you had RNY since you cannot easily absorb B-12 with no stomach acid (specifically intrinsic factor, which is cut out when the pouch is made). All other B vitamins are water soluble and do not need stomach acid to be absorbed... I cannot stand the taste of the B vitamins all together...So I take a powder filled B-100 capsule and I never taste the disgusting flavors of that potent mix! YUCKY! Vitamin Shoppe has a giant capsule that I have a bit of a hard time swallowing (bad gag reflex)...but I choke them down (once a week) because the taste will make me ill as well...I still take a seperate B-12 sublingual daily(the spray I was using for the last year was NOT working and my B-12 has plummeted gradually from 1127 to 400 over the last year while I was using the spray...I threw it away!) Once those levels start dropping they really pick up speed and then the deficiency symptoms beginning to show up as well...Hope that helps.
   — .Anita R.

September 26, 2009
I found the B12 sublingual at Costco and they are cherry flavored put under your tongue and gone in a few seconds but the taste is great..
   — DianeSchafer

September 27, 2009
My B-50 complex occasionally gives me some trouble, tummy ache type, but I make sure I take it with food. I am in the habit of having a protien shake in the mornings before work for my first meal of the day, and I usually take it then. It mainly causeds some gas that can be uncomfortable to me, but like I said, I take it with food and there is alot less discomfort. Hope this helps.
   — cydthekid50

September 27, 2009
Try Look on their site for a wide variety of vitamins (including a high dose B-12 and several combinations of other B vitamins). VitaMist is a company selling spray vitamins which are absorbed better than shots and sublingual liquids. They are also made in the USA. I can only use these spray vitamins, since all others I have tried make me nauseous. I take their high dose B-12, their multiple vitamin, and their calcium/magnesium vitamin. Good luck with your search for what works best for you. Patricia Kim Marshall
   — KimM

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