Dumping Syndrome or bad indigestion?

Hello, I am 2 1/2 weeks post op and am doing soft foods and starting pureed foods. I was told to not eat too much starch and today I tried a cheese quesadilla(very thin)and ate just one and a half triangles of it. I took small bites and mushed the food alot in my mouth,etc. Afterwards it hurt to swallow it down and I felt like gas pains and my stomach was making alot of noises but I did not pass gas nor have diarrhea or vomit. It is still bothering me..I am just gonna give it a rest and not eat anything and just sip a drink for a bit. Is this considered dumping? Or just indigestion from me being an idiot and eating too much at one time? LOL..I am still learning. I am trying to improvise and such. What happens when you eat more than the pouch can hold(I had GB surgery)? Does it just skip the pouch and go to your intestines? Or? It doesn't feel like I have to throw up and I am not nauseous. Hmm..anyone? And also I know i am to drink my protein shakes and also try some foods// how many foods or times a day should I eat some a little egg in the morning..shake..a little yogurt..shake..a little cheese? That sort of thing? Thanks! Kristen    — aidenswings (posted on July 20, 2009)

July 20, 2009
The one time for sure i had dumping, i got bad cramps, sweaty and nervous. the other night i think i ate too fast or took too big of bites but i got really liquidy mouth and eventually i threw up the food i ate, no liquid which i think is weird. it could be the tortilla also. i am 14 mos post op rny and just recently started to have a bite or two of hot dog bun or tortilla and it does not always agree with me. i get a really full feeling and do not want to eat anything else. hope this helps
   — bikermama

July 20, 2009
Kristen, what's probably happened is that your food has gotten "stuck". Tortillas are a very starchy product, and I would imagine that along with the cheese, what you've got is a gummy ball of "goop" in your pouch that's not gonna go down. If you were "dumping" - you'd know it. Apparently, you feel like you're gonna get the shakes, heart palpatations, you get all sweaty and clammy, you get severe stomach cramps and explosive diarrhea, and it lasts for at least a couple of hours. It's so bad that you basically have to go to bed or lay down until it's over. BUT, I've had food stuck lots of times, and it's an uncomfortable feeling. Like a big ball is just sitting at the bottom of your esophagus, and the more you swallow, the more uncomfortable you become. Finally, you will throw it up, along with a lot of "foam" which is your swallowed saliva...or after hours of not drinking or eating anything else, you may finally digest it enough for it to go down. I would save the tortillas and cheese for a lot farther down the road, if I were you. Soft foods are more like cottage cheese, fat-free-sugar-free puddings, Jell-O, smooth yogurts, EggBeaters scrambled eggs, pureed chicken and turkey with a liberal splash of chicken broth in it to moisten it. My surgeon's list also had me eating Taco Bell refried beans - but that didn't last too long since I'm not a "bean" person. But while I DID eat them, I put a little beef broth in them to make them less thick, because they got stuck, too. I was told to eat 6 times per day, about 1 to 2 ounces at a time, and to pay attention to when my pouch said "That's enough" and NOT PUT ANOTHER SPOONFUL IN MY MOUTH. So, I ate at 7:00 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:30 pm, 6:00 pm and 8:30 to 9:00 pm. This type of meal plan was to be followed from the 7th to the 21st day. I was to get my protein from either IsoPure ready-to-drink, or the New Whey bullets put in Crystal Light or fruity flavored herbal tea. I could drink the thicker shakes, like the yummy "Oh Yeah Vanilla Creme", but was warned that it was VERY high in fat and calories, and I also found that if I drank it at night to get in my required protein, it would sometimes cause reflux. If you decide to try other foods, be VERY SURE that you eat TINY bites - no bigger than your little fingernail, and chew until they are literally liquid in your mouth. I hope this helps -- from one who still gets stuck 4 1/2 months out - like right NOW :-) Erica
   — Erica Alikchihoo

July 20, 2009
Kristen, what's probably happened is that your food has gotten "stuck". Tortillas are a very starchy product, and I would imagine that along with the cheese, what you've got is a gummy ball of "goop" in your pouch that's not gonna go down. If you were "dumping" - you'd know it. Apparently, you feel like you're gonna get the shakes, heart palpatations, you get all sweaty and clammy, you get severe stomach cramps and explosive diarrhea, and it lasts for at least a couple of hours. It's so bad that you basically have to go to bed or lay down until it's over. BUT, I've had food stuck lots of times, and it's an uncomfortable feeling. Like a big ball is just sitting at the bottom of your esophagus, and the more you swallow, the more uncomfortable you become. Finally, you will throw it up, along with a lot of "foam" which is your swallowed saliva...or after hours of not drinking or eating anything else, you may finally digest it enough for it to go down. I would save the tortillas and cheese for a lot farther down the road, if I were you. Soft foods are more like cottage cheese, fat-free-sugar-free puddings, Jell-O, smooth yogurts, EggBeaters scrambled eggs, pureed chicken and turkey with a liberal splash of chicken broth in it to moisten it. My surgeon's list also had me eating Taco Bell refried beans - but that didn't last too long since I'm not a "bean" person. But while I DID eat them, I put a little beef broth in them to make them less thick, because they got stuck, too. I was told to eat 6 times per day, about 1 to 2 ounces at a time, and to pay attention to when my pouch said "That's enough" and NOT PUT ANOTHER SPOONFUL IN MY MOUTH. So, I ate at 7:00 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:30 pm, 6:00 pm and 8:30 to 9:00 pm. This type of meal plan was to be followed from the 7th to the 21st day. I was to get my protein from either IsoPure ready-to-drink, or the New Whey bullets put in Crystal Light or fruity flavored herbal tea. I could drink the thicker shakes, like the yummy "Oh Yeah Vanilla Creme", but was warned that it was VERY high in fat and calories, and I also found that if I drank it at night to get in my required protein, it would sometimes cause reflux. If you decide to try other foods, be VERY SURE that you eat TINY bites - no bigger than your little fingernail, and chew until they are literally liquid in your mouth. I hope this helps -- from one who still gets stuck 4 1/2 months out - like right NOW :-) Erica
   — Erica Alikchihoo

July 20, 2009
Hi Kris it sounds to me like you became what is called "stuck". I was told about it by my advocate and when it haopened to me it was exactly as you described. The pain is the tip off. The only thing I can say is don't sip any liquids at all and if your mouth waters don't swallow your spit, spit it out and let the feeling pass. It will after several minutes and you get this full heavy feeling. I think the quesadilla stuck together in a ball despite the chewing.
   — sallie H.

July 21, 2009
I am always amazed to hear that people are on soft foods 2.5 weeks out. I was still on liquids! You aren't chewing your food enough. I know you said you chewed it to mush, but perhaps your bit was too big and not chewed enough. Your opening to the pouch is about the width of your pinkie finger. Take your time and best wishes to you.
   — Kristy

July 21, 2009
Kristen, a quesadilla really isn't a good choice for weight loss. It is the kind of food that got us into trouble in the first place. You need to focus on protein, protein, protein. As this stage in the game, it wouldn't hurt for you to still be on full liquids such as protein shakes. But since your doctor is letting you go to soft foods, I would suggest, scrambles eggs, soups with unflavored protein powder, or something like that. You should avoid ALL carbohydrates except those found in vegetables until you have reached your goal weight. There is a great site that has some recipes for the soft foods stage. It is Check it out if you have time. You won't be disappointed. Good luck with everything and I hope you feel better really soon!!! Take good care of yourself.
   — Elizabeth_Ann

July 22, 2009
I have to agree trying to eat a cheese quesadilla 2 1/2 weeks out is risky. I think it is too soon to be eating that kind of food. I know my Doctor kept me on pureed foods till the 3 week checkup. I hope you do well good luck.
   — travis9559

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