6 consecutive months of dietician for qualification

I went from June 24th to November 24th which everyone assumed was 6 consecutive months. Now they are saying I should have went thru Dec and are denying my qualification. Anyone else have this problem and how do I get around it?    — doglover3 (posted on June 8, 2009)

June 8, 2009
that is only 5 months - I would recommend you go one more month and try again! The insurance companies seem to be good if you jump through all of their hoops!
   — cpainter5

June 8, 2009
I have to do the 6 consecutive classes as well. One of the first things the R.D. told me is that insurance companies "count funny", so it really seems to be like 7 months the most natural way of counting. I've also been told that if you miss one class, you have to start all over again. Hopefully you will be able to get some sort of variance from your insurance company!! Good luck!
   — Libby R.

June 8, 2009
If you submitted documentation (i.e. your RD's notes) from each month's visit then you would have the required 6 months. On my 6-mo. program the dietician wrote a synopsis of what was discussed in the class & set a goal for us to strive for the next month. That was along with the exercise physiologist's notes/goals and the program director's notes and goals for behavior modification. If you have 6 such entries on paper that should satisfy them. I think it's common for most insurance companies to deny on the first submission anyway. They don't have to pay if you give up. Check w/your surgeon's insurance coordinator to see what they sent in if you don't already have a copy of it.
   — Arkin10

June 9, 2009
June 24 to Nov 24 is only five months. Do one more month and resubmit. The person above is correct - insurance companies want you to jump through hoops before they approve.
   — Muggs

June 11, 2009
I went from Oct-March, which seems like only 5 months but my nut told me it was 6 for my insurance co. 1.oct 2.nov 3.dec 4.jan 5. feb 6. mar so must just be 6 calendar months i guess you would call it, I wish you luck and hope going just one more month will be enough
   — [Deactivated Member]

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