Somebody please lose this weight for me!

As I submit this, I laugh to myself. But if you have a since of humor, you'll appreciate it. I want to applaud ANYONE who has gotten control of their diet and/or weight issue. I had RNY 4.5 years ago, but failed it (lost 60lbs in all - gained 35lbs back). Then I've tried a few other things since then, but I always get off track. I'm just like, "Oh Lawd just let someone lose it for me!" hee hee Does anyone else ever feel this way? Not looking to be stabbed, snuffed, or criticized, but just having a light-hearted moment. Thanks for your comments! :)    — poodie (posted on June 3, 2009)

June 3, 2009
The best way to get through life is with a sense of humor. You rock! Ana Villa, RN
   — nursevilla

June 3, 2009
I'm getting ready to have the RNY and i to have a hard time with losing weight and I hope with all I have gone through so far, this is hard and this isn't the easy way out as people think that it is, It's hard and I hope that I will be able to lose the weight and keep it off. Theresa
   — tmparker

June 3, 2009
I used to wish they could just put me "on ice" or something for a year and let me wake up with the new me. But more than that I'm just so freaking sick of thinking about it instead of living life. Congratulations on your 30lb loss! There is an article about a new procedure they are trying in Canada for people who had an RNY a few years back, but need a "redo" No incisions!
   — greencougar

June 3, 2009
here's the link: as much as I wish I had done this surgery 30 years ago, I am ever grateful for the advances in science that have refined the procedure even over the last couple years. don't blame the "failure" on yourself. You were one of the pioneers the rest of us learned from. And never give up hope.
   — greencougar

June 3, 2009
Ann, Instead of having RNY, I was thinking about having a total body transplant. Just my personality and put it into a manaquin or somebody like Catherine Zeta-Jones. The only problem is I don't think my insurance would cover it. LOL
   — Kathleen W.

June 3, 2009
If they have a patch for hormones, a patch for birth control, a patch for pain, a patch to help you quit smoking, where is the COOKIE PATCH... I wait with anticipation!!! Keep smiling, it can only help matters.
   — psrd370

June 4, 2009
OMG....I couldn't stop laughing at some of the responses. If you find the "miracle" cure, can I be your marketing manager? I am sure we'll make millions! Hat's off to the previous responder that thanked you for being a pioneer to lead the way of discovery for us. You are not a failure 25 lbs is still a success. Keep the wonderful sense of humor!
   — Fircrkr64

June 4, 2009
Well I'm waiting for that magic pill to come in the mail. The one that transforms me into this CARE FREE, NON WORRY, SCALE FREE ,SIZE 0 WOMEN {LOL REAL HARD} Thank you for having a since of humor. We need to lighten up sometimes, because we get to hard on ourselves. Your not a failure, and for sharing it shows how strong inside you really are. Don't give up keep smiling Theresa L Laughter is good for us it makes the heart happy:0)
   — treeeza

June 4, 2009
too funny, I know just what you mean. It is crazy how much i just want to eat a piece of cake. If it was not sor the surgery i would have given up long ago on the right way to eat. Now to just get the snack monkey to leave me alone.
   — trible

June 17, 2009
I know exactly how you feel. Just remember you are still successful. A loss is a loss no matter how big or small! I am 6 years out and have gained back 45 of the 128lbs I lost so I do understand! We just have to keep fighting. Don't give up. And whatever you do don't lose that sense of humor!
   — pjm6162

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