post-op belching all the time??

i am 11 weeks post-op. i was just wondering if anyone has had belching episodes? every since i have started eating solid food, i belch constantly for 30 minutes to an hour whenever i eat or drink. it's like it doesn't matter what hits my stomach, i'm gonna belch many many many many times. if i actually eat till i feel full and then belching starts, i get sick and vomit. it is really frustrating. other than this particular problem, everything has been great. i have lost 50 lbs. it's truly amazing!! i love it!!    — gingersue (posted on January 30, 2009)

January 30, 2009
Yes, I'm belching all the time and I'm only 2.5 wks post op. I belch non-stop after eating and I'm still on pureed foods. The surgeon told me it should go away over time. All the best to you and hopefully, your belching will end soon. Dee
   — DiscerningHeart

January 30, 2009
I hadn't thought about this in awhile but, yes, I used to belch all the time. Way past "truck driver" belching! LOL! It does go away but I can't tell you when. I just know that I'm 8 months out and don't belch anymore. So hang in - it will go away!
   — GlitterGal

January 30, 2009
Yes I burbed all the time even just talking to someone I would have littel burps. I dont remembr how long it lasted but it did eventually did go away. Good luck and hang in there.
   — kmnae

January 30, 2009
Wow, I am just the opposite! I very rarely burp at all. I'll be a year out on 2/21/08. Sometimes when I eat I feel like it would be nice to burp but it rarely happens. Good luck to you!
   — dsmuffin

January 30, 2009
Some release of air is normal after the surgery, and the best I can suggest is to eat very small bites, very slowly, very thoroughly, and take at least 30 minutes to eat. You also should try walking after eating, which helps with digestion and helps get your exercise in. It ramps up your metabolism and helps work out the air. A really win/win situation. If you have to, due to any remaining pain, take any pain medication the doctor prescribed, but try to avoid taking it if possible, as it tends to slow you down. :) I hope this helps. I know how uncomfortable that can be. Dusty @};-
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

January 30, 2009
Hi! I am 7 1/2 months out and still burb alot after eating, but it has gotten better, but not gone yet. Good it hear it will eventually go away. Good luck to you! hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

January 31, 2009
I find that I do a lot belching when I am full. I never did that before surgery. Now I know when I start to get that belching feeling I know that it is time to stop eating. Otherwise there will be problems if I don't.
   — Brenda R.

January 31, 2009
You may want to back off some of the foods. Don't eat till your full. Start with one food at a meal, eat slowly, chew chew chew and then chew some more before swallowing. Experiment with the foods you eat. Go slow and be patient. Also, it may help to not drink anything for about a 1/2 hour after you eat. And do keep up the fluids. Sometimes that's difficult, but it really does help. Remember, your system no longer absorbs food and medicine like it did before surgery, so take all that into account. Good luck!
   — blbthompson

February 10, 2009
I am 2 and a half(more or less) years post op from RNY GBP and I belch all the time. With anything and everything I eat. It's annoying and most of all embarrassing. I refrain from eating or drinking anything in public because of it, sometimes I will get it in the middle of class while I'm just sitting there doing schoolwork and everyone's quiet. I eat TUMS and ROLAIDS like they're candy(careful not too eat too many because on top of all the problems I have the last thing I want on top of it is to be constipated) thinking that maybe it is reflux or something like that but it doesn't help. Well, congratulations on your fifty pound loss. Hope you can get your issue taken care off and if you do please message me and share. :)
   — missconduct

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