Anybody wear a binder after surgery?
I am only 6 days out so I understand I am going to experience some pain,however I think I may have pulled the muscles in my left rib area.Since day 2 after surgery it hurts so bad I can barely straighten up when walking and getting up is almost impossible without help. I dont think this is "gas pains"as it actually is very sore to the touch also.None of my lap incisions are sore and are healing up very nicely,but this pain is almost unbearable.I have read where some people wear a binder but those seem to be very old posts and I didnt know if things had changed more over the years.If I didnt have this pain I would feel like a new person.HELP!!!!!!! — mary beauregard (posted on January 18, 2009)
January 18, 2009
I would first check with my doc to find out and make sure the pain isn't
from something other than the surgery; it could possbily be a broken rib.
This needs medical attention. As far as wearing a binder; its done but not
necessarily with this surgery. Good Luck and God Bless,
vinnigirl, retired RN
— vinnigirl
January 18, 2009
The gas pains I had in my upper chest and shoulder post-op were
excrutiating. I have a great threshhold for pain, but it was really tough.
I walked a lot and I also force-belched every time it felt like doing so
might be productive. I remember it being gone in four days or less, but
your mileage may vary.
Regardless, at 6 days post-op I would be communicating with my doctor's
office, at least when it opens in the morning.
— jjames-thomas
January 18, 2009
Don't wear anything like that unless your doctor has told you to. That
could be very dangerous. When I was about 2 weeks out, I got these
horrible pains and it turned out to be from pulling a muscle in my abdomen.
Yours could be from gas, or they could be from something like what
happened to me, but if you're having that much pain you should have called
your doctor right away. Please call your doctor. This is a great place to
get advice, but this is a medical condition you have and your surgery is
brand new. You should be getting advice from trained medical professionals
at this stage.
— Shirley D.
January 18, 2009
What surgery did you have? I am going to have surgery in Feb and have
also read some people wear binders. I am having the lap band. Kimberly
— kfgates
January 18, 2009
I would first check with my doc to find out and make sure the pain isn't
from something other than the surgery; it could possbily be a broken rib.
This needs medical attention. As far as wearing a binder; its done but not
necessarily with this surgery. Good Luck and God Bless,
vinnigirl, retired RN
— vinnigirl
January 18, 2009
Hi, Mary I had gastric bypass July of this last year I to had the worst
pain a few days after surgery I could not get up, turn I even had to sleep
with several pillows under me at times only moving with help the pain was
unbearable, I believe as I laid down and getting up I turned wrong and I
pulled the stitches on the inside I had 5 little incesions and they had
that little tape over them my doc said we have a lot of stitches especially
on the L side they go through in and out with the tools and the camera on
this side and they cut through the muscle I knew right when it happened
what I did and it hurt badly, I took lots of hot showers sitting in a chair
any chair will work, I used a metal fold up chair, I also used a heating
pad this helped alot.I donot think a binder would be too helpful u do not
want to hurt something else buuuuut I did use ace bandages and supported
this side tightly when I had to move to much it really helped. It takes a
good week or so to heal and even today this pain fades in memory and I
would do it again 117 pounds gone Best of luck Tammi
— Tammi Sandoval
January 18, 2009
My surgery was Jan 8th 09. The only discomfort was under
my left rib area. The Doc's told me that is where it should
hurt. I don't know if some people have lower pain thresholds but my was so
low. Like on a scale from 1-10 I think I gave it a 1 or a 2.
But just the same I'd check with Dr. don't wait around to
see if it gets better contact your doc let him check it out.
hope it gets better soon.
good luck
billy joe
— BJW12
January 18, 2009
I had RNY on Dec. 3, 08. on Dec.7 I also had bad pain under my left ribs.
It had been there consistantly since surgery so initially I though nothing
of it. However, on the 7th it was worse. I spoke with the docs office,
reminded to walk as much as possible (not like I had been lying in bed the
entire time), did I have a bowel movement? yes. was I drinking enough? yes.
Well this pain can be normal so just keep trying to move around and work it 5PM I was in such excruciating pain I could barely move. Called
the office again and doc said come to the ER. CT revealed a large
encarcerated pocket of old blood that was starting to get infected. I was
in the hospital another 5 days. Had a JP drain an added 2 weeks. 5days
later, back in with infection again after pulling the JP drain and getting
that stuff all stirred up again. SO, call them now! not in the morning.
Pain is NEVER a good sign nor is it normal. There should be a doc on call
at all hours for gastric bypass patients at his office. You are important
to them. Call.
— jamabowers
January 18, 2009
Binders are used for those with Open RNY...and I lived in mine for a year
with Open RNY! But anytime you have severe pain...or like yours chronic or
more than a few days...Just go see your surgeon! THEN, while you are there
you can ask if a binder would help you at all...Even after I healed....I
liked it when my belly was still a large flap of a thing and the binder
helped make things look smooth and not so lumpy and saggy under my
clothes...You might like it after you find out what is causing your pain!
Good luck and I hope it's nothing!
— .Anita R.
January 18, 2009
Do call your surgeon ASAP. It could be nothing r a number of things. I had
pain in the same are for weeks after surgery. It went away on its own. The
left side is where most of the work is done during the surgery so, you
should expect to be sore, even in pain. However, something else could be
wrong. Be very specific when you call them. Good luck.
— maria09elena
January 18, 2009
Do you still have your drains? I am 4 years out, but remember very well the
same kind of pain. Once my drain was removed, I felt great. Evidently, It
the tube had moved to an uncomfortable and so painful position. I hope this
helps. I must say Call Your Surgeon anytime you have ANY questions. That
is why thy are there! Much support, Rhonda
— Rhonda S.
January 19, 2009
I had the same pain you are desribing. I returned to my Dr and after making
sure there was no hernia or anything else wrong, he explained that was the
area he had to tunnel through muscle to get to my stomach. Some people just
hurt worse thsan others.
— corky1057
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