jogging and getting sick...

K. Here's the deal. When I walk/jog, after about a mile, I get sick and feel like I'm gonna throw up. Sometimes I do. Mostly, I get that extra saliva for about 5 minutes and have to keep spitting. I've tried not eating and no water before I go-normally in the morning. I'm 7 months out and had GBS. Any thoughts???? Mari    — wowmomma (posted on May 7, 2008)

May 7, 2008
If it's happening even without eating, I would try a mixed protein/carb snack an hour before you go (like a protein bar) in the off chance that it's a kind of atypical hypoglycemic event associated with exercise. I have observed that my pre-op hypoglycemia (glucose intolerance related hyperinsulinemia events) are manifesting themselves differently post-op and have associatred hypersalivation and nausea , sometimes with diarrhea and even have a "dumping" flavor to them. Lots of changes post-op that I can't entirely explain based on dietary intake and what I know about physiology and biochemistry (I'm a doctor). Good luck!
   — loveathome3

May 7, 2008
I found that if I had eat it would happen and if I didn;t I still got the saliva and spit sometime 4 ounces of clear fluid. I tried yougart and it hekp as does a small yougart drink. I thanks them about 5-10 minutes before excersize. Since that are only a few ox it does not appear to cause me a problem any longer.
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 7, 2008
This happened to me at first starting to add extra exercise but it went away on its own after a while.Have you been doing this the whole 7 months or just started?Sandy Hanson
   — Sandy Hanson

May 7, 2008
hi mari....i think if anything you should eat before during and after your jog...i know i get sick if i don't eat before my 9 mile hike and i have to eat during it too......sounds like youre getting hypoglycemic....i know that's what happens to me now and i'm almost a year out! it happens especially when i exercise...also make sure you have water because if you get too dehydrated that will make you sick too...hope this helps...
   — lizzie42

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