i know this is gonna sound stupid, but how do i get friends to talk to on my profile?

   — Godsvirtuoswoman (posted on February 5, 2008)

February 5, 2008
You go to their profile and invite them to be a friend.
   — Shirley D.

February 5, 2008
If you mean like, instant messaging, you can't do that, you can only send messages to friends on your list.
   — lesleigh07

February 5, 2008
I wondered this for the longest time, you have to invite someone to be your friend or someone invites you. I went a long time with no friends and actually was very sad about it. I am sending you a friend request now!
   — Lisa L.

February 5, 2008
You can search for people in your area. Just email people, everyone is so great on this site. I've met some great people and new friends. I'd love to talk to you, I have family in Wisconsin, where exactly are you?
   — Pam_B_OR

February 6, 2008
You can look on the message boards (forums). The main board is great but also your local state forum would be a good site as well. Just reach out to people and get to know them and if they seem to be someone you'd like to have as a "friend" send them a request.
   — juliebelle0402

February 6, 2008
You can invite anyone that you see on a forum by going to their profile. I found most of my freinds all over the country by them reading a answer I posted to questions asked here. I send you an invite. Does not mater where you are, it is just good to have someone thats in the same boat to share the good and the not so good with.
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 7, 2008
i'm very glad you asked that question i have no friends on this site either been member for years but i know very little about computers so i look at what people write basically but i love this site for imfo about wls its very helpful laurie
   — lauriegrizzard

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