Pre-op diets

I know this question was already posted, but my Dr. doesn't required a pre-op diet but for health reasons I want to do one to decrease the size of my liver, as I am scheduled for 2/19/08. My question is what type pre-op diet did anyone use/try?    — DPURNELL (posted on February 5, 2008)

February 5, 2008
well my surgery id for 2/13/2008 and i am on optifast800 its not powders, they are already prepared and in these little juice box. I hope that helps.
   — MsLinda87

February 5, 2008
I lost 10 lbs the weeks before surgery just by cutting out sugar...weighing my meals to seven ounces...eating mostly meat and veggies...No carbs. Eat three meals...and do not skip breakfast...even if it's a yogurt and/or a handful of almonds....And giving myself 30 minutes to eat slowly and chew chew chew...WITH at least two glasses of water...(I only ate til I felt satisfied rather than full)...After surgery you cannot drink with meals...But before...It helps fill to fill up...No soda...No sugar...Eat fruit if you need something sweet or chew a lot of gum! I needed something simple and that did it for me. You might try a more strict diet and exercise. I could barely walk with arthritis...but I tried to do whatever I could for exercise. It helped. Good luck to you! You are going to be lovely (you have a really pretty face)...In a year, you are going to be one happy little person!!!
   — .Anita R.

February 5, 2008
My doctor required a pre-op diet of HMR800 shakes. They were really good (the chocolate tasted like a McDonald's milkshake!), and I mixed frozen or fresh fruit with the Vanilla ones. I used 5 shakes a day (no meals/food/snacks) for 14 days prior to surgery. I lost 20 pounds pre-op. You can go to to order. Good luck
   — stormi25

February 5, 2008
A pre-op diet should be very low carb and around 800-900 calories a day. Good luck.
   — Paula K.

February 5, 2008
Protein shakes, either powders that mix with water or skim milk, or RTD's ( ready to drink) in cans. , each with at least 10-20 grams of protein and low in carbs and fat. At about 200 calories per 12 ounces, 3 of them per day is only 600 calories. Add a lean dinner of 4 oz. chicken and some broccoli or other lean protein and low carb veggie, and you will lose weight before the surgery, which will shrink the liver and give you a head start on losing weight afterwards. I lost about 20 pounds in the three weeks before the surgery. It wasn't easy, though... I went to bed very early and cleared my house out of tempting foods. Good luck!
   — MusigalF

February 5, 2008
The week before the surgery, I only ate an egg sandwich for breakfast, and soup for my next 2 meals, and it kept me light and made the laxatives work smoothly the day before surgery
   — dapoohster38

February 5, 2008
For my preop I followed the puree diet that I was going to be folloiwng the 2-4 weeks AFTER surgery. I did this to prepare myself for what was to come. This was only for about a week...and then 4 days before surgery my doc had me on "clear" liquids only...however the "clear" part also included protein shakes. This was a tough four days, I gotta say. The important part is to cut down on your eating...the type of eating you would do as part of any diet. All the best to you.
   — cjjordan

February 5, 2008
cut your fat and your carbs
   — Joanc

February 5, 2008
I use FitDay on my computer, wrote in my food and kept track of protein first, to make sure I got at least 60 grams a day. I try to keep calories around 1200. FitDay will show you what nutrition you are eating. HIgh protein, low fat, low sugar is the way to go. I needed the education of a dietician to teach me how and what to eat specifically. Is there a dietitian associated with your surgeon? Each person is different and you deserve individual counseling. Fit and Light Yoghurt has been a great help, to mention one healthy food.. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 5, 2008
I use FitDay on my computer, wrote in my food and kept track of protein first, to make sure I got at least 60 grams a day. I try to keep calories around 1200. FitDay will show you what nutrition you are eating. HIgh protein, low fat, low sugar is the way to go. I needed the education of a dietician to teach me how and what to eat specifically. Is there a dietitian associated with your surgeon? Each person is different and you deserve individual counseling. Fit and Light Yoghurt has been a great help, to mention one healthy food.. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 5, 2008
It cut out all sugars, complex carps like pasta, bread, rice and potatos and tried out the post-op meals for taste of what I would like and not like. I found the protien shake I liked and made up some meals for when I got home from the hospital. I lost 12 lbs and felt it was a good start to the post surgery diet. I was at about 1200 cal. per day and was not really hungury. The hardest thing was not to snack after dinner, and give up all soft drinks, even diet drinks. Glad I did because it took most of the two weeks to get off diet coke.
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 5, 2008
I had surgery on 1/3/08 and my doctor had me on Protein drinks and a protein bar for 8 days and then the last 2 days I was on a clear liquid diet only. The protein shakes that I were drinking were considered clear liquid as well. It was hard but worth the extra effort to shrink the liver down to a size that was not so risky. Good Luck with your surgery! LaDonna
   — ladonna08

February 5, 2008
the best way to decrease s fatty liver is to be on clear to moderately clear liquids at least 10 days prior to surgery. It gives it ( liver) time to shrink. Its what I advised my own patients, also what I did myself 10 days prior to my bypass and I didnt have any restrictions at all. I stopped all white foods 3 months prior to surgery and lost 43 lbs without trying, then 2 weeks before surgery went on clear liquids, with fat free broths, sugar fee jellos etc. Works everytime. Good luck on your journey. Cindi -230 lbs and keeping it off at nearly 4 years post op
   — DollyDoodles

February 5, 2008
Hey there - I had the surgery in December and the week before I went on liquids which consists of any kind of broth, sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles, lots of water (I drink Propel), crystal light, low fat cream soups, juices dilute with water....and some kind of protein supplement of 20 gm per serving and 14 g sugar. Hope that helps.
   — Ginny564

February 6, 2008
I purchased my 2 week diet from The shakes are high protein and do not taste like most protien shakes. They also send you pudding and unflavored protein powder. I like the fact that I do not need to worry if I am getting enough protein pre-surgery.
   — Sandra M.

February 6, 2008
I had to be on any kind of liquids for 10 days and limit to 900 cal/day.
   — LindaJ.

February 6, 2008
I was not required to do one either but one thing I did learn if your like caffine, pop or coffee, get off of it. I had a major headache after surgery from withdraw from caffine. go to diet and def. just do liguid diet.
   — carman

February 7, 2008
My doctor required me to do a liquid only diet for 10 days prior to surgery. I had to drink protein shakes and eat clear liquids....pudding, applesauce, soup (no creams), yogurt, ect. It is suppose to shrink the liver before surgery. The two days before liquid protein only. Hope this helps!
   — neewoods

February 7, 2008
My Dr. Requires the week before surgery days 1-6 full liquids... milk yogurt pudding etc all non fat no sugar added... Day 7 all clear liquids broth, milano ices, clear juice and water as much as you want all day... If you want send me a personal message and I can e-mail you a copy of the menu they gave me for the week pre op.
   — Rachelena

February 7, 2008
Thank you to everyone that posted a response to my question I have learned alot.

February 16, 2008
My doc had me cut out sugar and use smaller portions before surgery. I had to lose 3 or more pounds by my last pre-op weigh in or my surgery would have been postponed. I made it to lose 5. Hope this helps.
   — kankan

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