I am 10 days out and all my incisions are healing nicely, except one. There is a
golf-ball sized lump deep under it. It is progressively growing more tender. Is this scar tissue, or could it be a hernia??? Thanks Weight-loss family! Lesleigh07 in Ga. — lesleigh07 (posted on December 22, 2007)
December 21, 2007
Call your surgeon now, it can be any number of things some minor some
important. If you had LAP surgery its probably not a hernia. About 1/3 of
opens get hernias, LAP its near zero. If you LAP the one opening was a
major access spot and more likely to be tender.
— bob-haller
December 21, 2007
Call your surgeon. I've been to many bariatric surgery meetings and heard
of this before. Normally it's a "puss pocket" that your surgeon
needs to drain--but it could also be more serious. Call him right away.
— Dave Chambers
December 22, 2007
Hi, I definitely agree with calling your surgeon. I am 4 weeks post op (lap
Rny) and when I was about a week and a half, all my incisions were healing
well except the one (looking down at belly) to the left, under the drain
incision. I found out that is the one that they used to cut through muscle
and they pass their tools in and out through. I didn't have the lump under
it though. I called the surgeon's office and was told to take a warm wash
cloth and put it over the incision and then put a heating pad over that for
about 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times a day. They said it would pull out the
liquid that needed to come out and would heal - and it did. You really do
need to call your surgeon's office though - hopefully it will be as simple
as mine, but you need to call and find out. Good luck!
— itzmetami
December 22, 2007
Call you doctor. You may have a mild infection, and the sooner you treat
it, the better. Don't wait! Call him/her now.
— vkmays
December 23, 2007
I hope by now you have done as the others have suggested and called your
surgeon. I agree, you probably do have a puss pocket that needs to be
drained. Possibly an Antibiotic too but only your physician will be able to
tell for sure. Good luck. Nanajane
— NanaJane
December 24, 2007
I agree wih the other people I had surgery in June 2007 and I had one place
that got infection in it and it had to be clean out and then pack daily but
it heal up from inside out. not bad scar, Good luck carman
— carman
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