I am 1 week post op. I have had no pain but I have only lost 5 pounds

Is this normal? Also, I am finding that I am a little hungry. I don't see my surgeon until Tuesday, 3 days from now. I don't even know what the next phase consists of as far as my food intake. I believe that I am doing well, just very tired. Any suggestions are appreciated. I am looking forward to using my roux n y as the best tool available to lose weight. I started out at 40.1 BMI    — italian1 (posted on September 1, 2007)

September 1, 2007
It's ok to feel a little hungry; just eat an ounce or 2 of liquid soup or drink a protein drink. Everyone's weight loss is different, and your is just starting out slow. In another week, you should be able to have soft solid foods unless your surgeon tells you no. He will give you the "schedule" of eating post-op. Good luck!
   — cherryj

September 1, 2007
Did you have the lap band or rny?
   — the7thdean

September 2, 2007
As soon as its clear with your dr, start making soups. Blend them to take out lumps. I found that a wonderful way to feel full. I would boil some chicken and use the broth for all kinds of soup, lentil, split pea, vegetable, chicken vegetable. I cut the chicken in very small pieces and add it back to broth. You will be tired, but it will get better.
   — geneswife

September 2, 2007
First, off remember, you just had major surgery. I actually came home from the hospital heavier than when I went in. The use a ton of gas to puff you up while they are in ya re-working your insides. I really started to lose around the 1.5-2 week after surgery. My body had to adjust and then I started to lose. To this day, I still don't have my appetite. A friend of mine never lost hers, so I can only tell you what she does. Eats no more than 1-2 oz (in the beginning) - make smart choices, nothing you shouldn't have - be smart with your food choices and you should be fine. Good luck.
   — jammerz

September 2, 2007
Very normal. As one of the other posters said you just had MAJOR surgery, you NEED to rest! There will be plenty of time later for energy! (After 1 month you are usually released for more exercise than just walkng) The hunger you are feeling is JUST head hunger. You need to understand that now if you are going to be successful. You have to learn to tell it to shut up by either making yourself have the willpower to ignore it, or by making yourself so busy you don't have time to listen to it. I catch up on filing, or counted cross stitch, or cleaning etc. Or I usually take that as a sign to drink more and more water which will make me feel full so I don't feel like eating. Head hunger is NOT easy to ignore, you have to realize that! We've been living with head hunger for how many years and we didn't even realize it was just our heads saying "EAT I'M HUNGRY!" Hang in there, the weight loss will occur, but just not till about the 3rd week. The gas takes about 1 full month to completely get out of your system, and one day when you wake up to put clothes on, you realize they almost fall off of you! Keep the faith! Good luck and God Bless!
   — crystalsno

September 2, 2007
Mari, - You shouldn't even be on a scale yet. Do you remember all of the liquids that they gave you in the hospital, all of the IV's? You still have some fluids in your system. I hear people complain of this all the time. I am a support group leader and have been for 3 years and I also work at the hospital for the Director of Bariatrics. I hear people ask about that all the time. Just be patient and talk to me after your 3 week check up. You are fine and it is normal. You probably have some fluid left over from the surgery. If you lose 5 lbs a week, in the first month, it would be over 20 lbs. See, not to bad, huh? Good Luck and let me know what the Doc says after your 3-4 week check-up. Judy Harris - Support Group Leader.
   — jk_harris

September 2, 2007
Actually 1 week and 5 pounds is fantastic. you will probably lose about 20 pounds per month. Think about how much weight that is in 1 month..........whew I am going to be 1 month post op in 2 days, and I haven't lost 20 pounds. I am not worried though, it will come off. Good Luck and congratulation.
   — bderuiter

September 3, 2007
   — LouAB

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