pre-op drinking protien shakes for all 3 meals to get weight down to submit

I am pre-op & try to loss the 5% for insurance to submit. I have been drinking 3 shakes a day for about a month and I have seen a change in how my clothes are fitting. I wonder if I am using to much of the powder right now though. I am using the EAS brand and the directions state that you should use two scoops for every 8oz of liquid, but I am not dropping the actual weight. I need to scale to show the change, not just the clothes! Does anyone think that maybe I should just use one scoop of powder?    — dre_1974 (posted on March 23, 2007)

March 23, 2007
It would also depend on how much water you drink a day, if you eat anything else, and the amount of calories you are intaking. Sometime when you starve your body it holds on for dear life. Also, if not drinking enough water, you won't lose the actual weight. I actually use HMR shakes and drink at least 7 a day and no other food. I drink 2-3 liters of water a day and have dropped 8 lbs this week. I am pre-op also.
   — Silkie

March 23, 2007
Well, first off, congrats for taking the big step !!! As Brandy stated, your weight loss depends upon the other foods and liquids you are drinking. Too much protein is not going to effect your weight loss. Your body will excrete what you don't use... one of the important reasons that you need alot of water intake - to keep those kidneys flushed. Rule of thumb is 2 qts of non-caffienated liquids daily. Dont drink more than a gallon a day, as you can get water toxic. It sounds crazy, but I work in the ER and have seen people very sick as drinking too much can throw off your electrolyte balance, and can be deadly if not treated. Cut out the carbohydrates, this will aid you in the weight loss as well. They are killer when you are trying to lose weight. You can google high protein, low carb diets, but essentially - no breads, pastas, or high caloric/high starch fruit. If you are not already exercising, do something - walking is great. Or if you access to a pool (alot of adult ed programs offer swimming, water aerobics, etc at area schools). This will allow you to exercise more than if you were out of the water, due to the water's bouyancy effect. Take care and good luck to you... Also enlist the help of your dietician... he/she should be invaluable at this time. You would have already had to hook up with one for your preop requirements.
   — Kari_K

March 23, 2007
Andrea, I would use the powder as directed, but probably try 2 shakes a day not 3. Are you eating anything besides the shakes? Are you drniking 64 oz of water a day, and what about exercise, are you walking or something simple but brisk? All of these things will help you get some weight off. I tend to think that it is not the shakes that are the problem, but you need exercise and water. If your body is used to the couch potatoe thing, reducing all your food to liquid won't help you lose weight much because your body is starving for exercise and water. I needs cleansing and fresh air, not just calories. If you really want to drop weight, go to your shakes, water and exercise. Cut out everything else (be sure to take a multvitamin and calcium), and see if this doesn't help. Fight for it girl, if you want the surgery you will have to fight for it after surgery, so it is good practice now! Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 24, 2007
Remember, if you are starving your body what you need, then your body will actually turn on itself and start to eat away your musle. SO, make sure you do what the directions say, exercise, and don't cheat. Drink your water that is very important.
   — Diane C.

March 25, 2007
Is it protein powder or MRP (meal replacement powder). Protein powder should deliver appx 30g protein with less than 5g sugar & under 200 calories in water (adjust amount to taste). You don't want more than 30g of protein at one time, so perhaps using just one scoop 3x per day would do it?
   — vitalady

March 26, 2007
I am 4yrs out I went from 315 to 160 I'm now 180. Your body is in starvation zone right now. I did the same thing. As soon as it settles into its new way of living you will see the pounds fly off. Just relax and heal the next two years will bring alot of changes. Good luck!

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