Not losing weight

I am 3 weeks post op and have lost 34 lbs. I am stopped now for about 10 days and have not dropped another lb. I am not eating enough food to not be losing, still of soft foods, and not a variety.    — Diane C. (posted on January 1, 2007)

January 1, 2007
Hello Diane, I haven't had surgery but my friend did and when she stalled she was still losing inches instead of pounds. Did you measure your body before surgery? If so you will she the difference. if you haven't yet go on ahead and measure yourself from here on out. You know 34 pounds lost is awesome don't get discouraged you are doing great. Congratulations on your new life! Cira
   — Cira S.

January 1, 2007
We all have these stalls. There will be more. Take joy in how you fell, your measurments, and your clothes getting loser or falling off. I am a slow loser compared to most but I just keep doing what I am suppose to do and have confidence that in a year I would have lost 100 lbs or more
   — ccstann

January 1, 2007
34 pounds in 3 weeks is awesome! your body needs time to adjust to the surgery as well as your diet changes and the stall is absolutely normal. it's your body's way of adjusting to the decrease in calories and fat intake. remember at this time your body thinks it's not gonna get enough food to make it so it tends to store what it does get, but your loss will pick back up and later it will stall again. it's normal. don't focus on the wt loss, just focus on doing what you are supposed to and how much better you feel. hope this helps holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

January 1, 2007
Diane, congratulations on the 34 lb loss, that's an amazing amount of weight in a couple of weeks. Most post-ops experienced stalls, this seems to be your first one. I also stalled at week 3 post-op, didn't lose anything for 2 weeks then on week 6 overnight I lost 6 lbs. Stay on your program, your body needed a rest so it took it. Believe me you'll be losing again real soon. Best wishes ~~ Dana
   — cajungirl

January 1, 2007
I did the same - at 1 month I stalled for 6 weeks, didn't lose a pound. But all of a sudden I lost 11. I'm now 14 weeks out and have lost 80 pounds and feel great! Everyone I've talked to said it's happened to them also, so don't sweat it. Just stick to the program and know this is just your body taking care of itself.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 2, 2007
You stop while your body adjusts to the lower weight. It took me two months to lose 34 pounds is !
   — Novashannon

January 2, 2007
hello there and congrats on your 34lbs gone!....I am 6weeks out, and i have only lost 30lbs myself so you are doing awesome!...I myself keep thinking that i am not losing enough cuz it is hard to see yourself, but we have to stay positive and stick with it, as everyone says it will happen it just takes time! Hang in there, that is what i have to keep telling myself too!
   — Lisa E.

January 2, 2007
your doing extrimly well i had surgery 9 weeks ago and havelost only 44lbs, keep it up your doing great.
   — princessintraining

January 4, 2007
Thank you for your post, I was thinking the same thing. Congrats!!!!! I am also 3 wks post op and have lost 31lbs as of this morning. I stopped losing for a couple of days but did an extra walk and lost another pound. How are you feeling? I would love to stay in contact since we are so close to the same date. I had me WLS on Dec. 11 and am sooo excited! Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
   — dheel

January 11, 2007
It is wonderful to be able to learn others have had the same experience! I had surgery on December 6 and in a "stall" period right now and was getting very concerned about what I was or was not doing right. Thanks for the input - I feel much better and won't get down. Sweet Annie
   — SweetAnnie

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