Has anyone had their surgery in UCSF and how much was the total pay??

I am having mine on Oct. 12 and I have to pay 30% I was wondering how much it will be. I called the financial counselors many times, but they returned my calls.    — Claudia (posted on September 19, 2006)

September 20, 2006
It depends on your insurance and policy. I have Blue Shield and have to pay 20% my total for the hospital is $2166. My advice to you is "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" keeep calling they will tire of the messages and finally return one. Good luck. Tanya
   — Tanya1992

September 21, 2006
Hi! I had my surgery February, 2004 at UCSF with Dr. Patti. This was before UCSF began their bariatric center. My insurance was Pacificare at first. When I was going through the process, it took so long (over a year) that my insurance changed to Healthnet. I didn't have to pay anything, other than my office co-pays ($10). I received a statement after the surgery and the total cost was $44,000 (they also removed my gallbladder). Good luck to you!
   — Demetra

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